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where引导状语从句,where=in the situation in which.  抽象的地点状语从句。

回答于 2022-07-23 21:37

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If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods — making sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision of all these activities in schools.在这个句子中,If there is a role for gov...

回答于 2022-07-23 20:00

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adj+by day的用法

by day/night = during the day/the night. by day 和 by night 分别修饰形容词picturesque 和 dazzling,构成并列的形容词短语在句子中作原因状语。现代语法则认为是并列的无动词分句作状语。

回答于 2022-07-23 17:11

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请问这里 the widest latitude怎么理解

gives为双宾语动词 + freedom of thought and expression间接宾语+the widest possible latitude直接宾语。

回答于 2022-07-23 16:17

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form在此为静态系词,表示一种状态的存在,而不是表示动作的发生。这个句子表示的是过去的状态,所以用一般过去时。以下为牛津词典对form这个语义的释义和例句:have function/rolelinking verb + noun: to be something; to have a particular function or patternThe castle forms the focal point of the city.The surv...

回答于 2022-07-23 16:13

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In the off-season from farming中的from是何意思

off-season 为形容词off和名词season构成的合成名词,其中off为free from work or duty的意思。这里用from则具体说明work为哪种work,off-season from farming,不用干农活的季节。整个句子意思为:在农业淡季,一些阿尔卑斯山的男人喜欢做木雕。

回答于 2022-07-23 11:05

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make sth possible的用法


回答于 2022-07-23 10:47

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有necessitate doing sth这个结构吗

要养成勤查词典的好习惯,很多问题只要你查一下词典就会找到答案的。《韦氏高阶》necessitate[+ object] formal: to make (something) necessaryNew safety regulations necessitated adding a railing to the stairs.词典例句告诉你necessitate后接动名词短语作宾语。英英释义告诉你其词义为使(某事)成为必要的/必须的。...

回答于 2022-07-22 18:38

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这句话中的 run 如何解释

遇到这种情况就是你该查词典的时候,这里run显然是及物动词,你只需在词典run及物用法中查找类似的词义和用法即可。《韦氏高阶》run:8 a [no object] : to make a quick trip to a place for somethingShe ran (up/down) to the store for bread and milk.He ran over to the neighbors for some sugar.b [+ object] : to...

回答于 2022-07-22 18:27

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a matter of (something) 是习语,这里要用不定冠词,意为...的问题/事情。例如:Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management. 工作压力是一件让员工和管理人员都关切的事。This is a matter of the utmost importance. 这是个极其重要的问题。The beauty of a porcelain jar is a matter of shape, of...

回答于 2022-07-22 18:13