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in the same manner that从句,manner 可以在从句中做动词的宾语...


回答于 2022-12-04 22:24

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back 用法疑问

the Free Dictionary:out back:Outside at the back of a given house or building.John's coming to meet us out back after we're finished with work.We just bought a brand new picnic table so we can have our meals out back 

回答于 2022-12-01 00:01

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can't...no better than如何理解

这就是语法书所说的所谓重复否定。句中的no应改为any。I can't explain it to you any better than that.  I don't have anybody. 这种重复否定句多见于受教育程度不高的人的口语中,尤其是美国黑人。小说中为了体现说话人的身份即受教育程度,故意保留这种语法错误。

回答于 2022-11-30 23:53

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spare no effort to do something, 词典对此的释义为 to work as hard as possible to do something.所以,不定式分析为目的状语是合理的。

回答于 2022-11-30 23:03

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just bothersome enough to keep her home from her job in a war plant 这个形容词短语不是主语的补语,而是一个非限制性定语,修饰slight fever。to keep...这个不定式修饰enough,传统语法认为是enough的结果状语,现代语法认为不定式是enough的补足语。

回答于 2022-11-29 22:06

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时间前面用 fall on 还是 fall at (请教曹老师专家)

以上三个句子都应该用begins作谓语动词,不可以用fall。fall的意思是happen,take place的意思,而一堂课不可能在at 8 这个点时间发生并结束。如果用begins,则三个句子都可以。Sunday morning前的介词在美式英语常可省略。at 8 可以在句末。

回答于 2022-11-29 17:03

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what little 和 what few 的用法

He visits what few friends he has. 这类句子中,我认为不宜在what few和the few之间划等号。因为the few friends he has 中,我们可以在he has前加上省略的关系代词that。但在what few friends he has中,he前是不能加that的,因为what+名词中已经含有了关系代词that,再加that就是语法错误了。what是融合型关系限定词。...

回答于 2022-11-29 00:31

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1 这段话出自新概念第四册第12课。不知你从哪里抄的句子,你抄错了。原句如下:Primarily, the banker-customer relationship is that of debtor and creditor—who is which depending on whether the customer's account is in credit or is overdrawn.所以,不存在所谓逗号连接二个分句的问题。破折号在此表示说话时节奏...

回答于 2022-11-28 16:32

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回答于 2022-11-27 16:13

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It (so) happened that…的语法分析

夸克大全16.34的原话是这样的:The that-clause in examples like It seems that you are mistaken is not an object of the verb, but rather an extraposed subject. 即夸克明确指出像it seems that...和 It happened that这样的that从句是外置主语(extraposed subject)。夸克在此是讲一个动词语义不完整时需要补足,这...

回答于 2022-11-27 01:20