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性别: 注册于 2017-03-17


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The planning committee has already narrowed down the probable location for building a nuclear power plant to two coastal towns.1 只建一座核电站,备选的位置有好几个,现在将多于二个的可能位置缩小到二个,因此narrow down的宾语location应为复数而不是单数。2 复数名词locations后的定语表示目的或用途,即用于...

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out of的意思

 网友引用句子时应该注意完整引用,不要自己随意断句。该句的完整结构及上下文如下:There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know, it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the...

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It was in 1952后接when还是that

如果这个句子是强调句,则必须用that。用when为语法错误。I first visited this city in 1952.It was in 1952 that I visited this city. 我第一次访问该市是在1952年。如果是讲故事时交代故事发生的时间背景,则用when引导非限制性定语从句,不能用that。It was in 1952, when I first visited this city. 故事发生在1952...

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非谓语动词having done的疑惑


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关于be to do/doing 系表结构的区别.

确实,我们可以说My job is cleaning the office. 也可以说 My job is to clean the office. 后者可能是指某次打扫卫生时,主任分配给我的活。但有时用不定式还是动名词作表语,与主语名词有关。例如:My plan is to go to Beijing University. 与plan搭配的是不定式,这个句子就不能用动名词作表语。如果我说十年来我的计...

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as much与as such在文中的意思

as much是惯用语(idiom) , 知道它的意义和用法即可,不必分析语法。《牛津》对惯用语as much的解释和例句如下:as much:the samePlease help me get this job—you know I would do as much for you.‘Roger stole the money.’ ‘I thought as much.’所以,Priya has said as much herself. = Priya has said the...

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分析as time goes by和with time going by的句式语法

as time goes by和with time going by都可以做时间状语,意为随着时间的流逝。前者为as引导的时间状语从句,后者是with复合结构。所以前者用谓语形式goes by, 后者用现在分词going by作with的宾补。

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不定式确实是 one way of solving the difficulty 的同位语。

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Scientists generally hold that language has been so long in use that the length of time writing is known to cover is trifling in comparison.that the length of time writing is known to cover is trifling in comparison.为结果状语从句,呼应so l...

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