年费会员 实名认证 专业认证

性别: 注册于 2017-03-17


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with sth to do 和 with sth to be done 有区别吗

With lots of work to do, I can't go with you. 这些工作是主语I亲自要做的。With lots of work to be done, I can't go with you. 这些工作是别人做,但主语可能要监督、督促。不定式的主动形式表示主动意义,所以to do一定是主语自己做。to be done则是别人做。后者使用较少。

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that从句不能作介词宾语,常见的三个例外为in,but, except. 其它介词后接that从句(包括省略that)都是语法错误。

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关于sense of和sense to的问题

to fee 应改为feeling。 这样,a sense of... 与feeling...并列,由连词or连接,同为介词by的宾语。

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the same...as/that区别

This is the same bike that I lost.that 引导定语从句(关系分句),same在此为强调意义,去掉后不影响句义。This is the bike that I lost.也可以用强调形容词very替换same:This is the very bike that I lost. 以上三句意思相同,即:这就是我丢失的那辆自行车。加了same/very则为强调。That is the same bike as I lost...

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dye 和 wash 都可以做系动词吗?


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这里的no more than 是和...一样少的意思吧?

no more than在此用作副词,= only 仅仅、只、不过是Money is no more than our servant. 金钱不过是我们的仆人。no more than a craft comprehensible perfectly only to the craftsman.= only a craft comprehensible perfectly only to the craftsman. 划线部分为形容词短语作后置定语:不过是只有手工匠人才能完全...

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同意蒋老师的解答。这个句子的从句谓语是持续性的用when和while都可以:Tom found a purse on the ground when / while he was walking to school.如果我们把句子主句和从句互换一下,从句的谓语是非延续动词,就只能用when,不能用while了:Tom was walking to school when he found a purse on the ground.请采纳蒋老师的...

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It is adj. of sb to do sth句型的问题

注意你的术语!!!形容词有定语吗???定语只是针对名词而言一般语法书会认为of sb是不定式的逻辑主语。还有不同的看法,就不介绍了。随大流吧。这个句型中的表语形容词都是表示一个人的做事特点。如:clever,stupid,wise, kind, good, bad,等等,形容词不是描述不定式的,而是描述人的。如果不用It,sb就作主语了,而...

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be considered of 中的of引导的介词短语是否是主语补足语

It is very important=It is of great importance.It is very useful.=It is of great use.It is useless.= It is of no use.He is an important man.=He is a man of importance.一个形容词可以转换为of + 修饰语+该形容词同义的抽象名词。因此,English is considered of great importance for us.等于English is conside...

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