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性别: 注册于 2017-03-17


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主页被访问 101133 次

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come after=go after吗


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介词to和of 的区别

victim意为受害者、牺牲品、患者等。通常搭配的介词为of以下为词典中victim of的例句:《朗文》victims of crimevictims of age discrimination He was the victim of an administrative error.He was used to being in charge, not being the victim of circumstance.be/become a victim of its own s...

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So you liking it here—这里liking是什么用法


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下列情况下引导宾语从句的that不可省略:1 正式语体;2 并列的that从句,从第二个从句开始,that不可省略;3 主句的动词不是日常常用动词时;4 宾语从句的结构相对比较复杂时。

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如何理解have important results在句中的意思

The loss of the Titanic in 1912 had important results. Shipbuilders were obliged to supply enough lifeboats for passengers.1912年泰坦尼克号的失事引发了一些重要的变化:造船厂必须给乘客提供足够的救生筏。

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following as far as I could the methods of...分析

"I think," said I, following as far as I could the methods of my companion, "that Dr. Mortimer...following现在分词短语为主句said I的方式状语。following为及物动词,其宾语为the methods of my companion, 状语为as far as I could (follow)。following的宾语后移到状语之后,目的是为了突出宾语。...

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have got to 是否有一般疑问及否定形式

have got to do sth= have to do sth.可以用于否定和疑问结构。Have you got to come? = Do you have to come?You haven't got to come. = You don't have to come.

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go on doing,insist on doing,keep on doing的句子成分问题

go on doing:继续做某事(不停顿地继续做某事)。go on with something. 停顿一段时间后继续做原来没有做完的事。go on to do sth. 做完一件事后,继续做另一件事。go on 为不及物短语动词,doing为现在分词作伴随状语。insist on doing:坚持主张做某事(该事情尚没有发生)。insist为不及物动词,on+ 动名词构成介词短语...

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Big Li migrated from Hubei to Beijing to work as a security guard, before striking it rich livestreaming full-time.《牛津词典》strike it rich:(informal) to get a lot of money, especially suddenly or unexpectedlylive-stream:n & vt. to broadcast or receive live video and sound of an event o...

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