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标题中的单音节介词(in, at, on, for)通常小写。但多音节介词(between, among, beyond, under等)是可以大写的。

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不可以用since。before any results appear从句中的any为非肯定词,表示何种结果会出现并不确定。since表示原因为显而易见的原因,用在这里不符合逻辑。原句为时间状语,并不是原因状语。

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There is the odd experience of meeting supposed colleagues who are strangers, meaning foreigners employed by state media.meaning foreigners employed by state media.为现在分词短语作补充性状语,对supposed colleagues who are strangers这种表达作补充说明。等于 the phrase that means。即supposed colle...

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动词词组的ing形式做形容词的用法- going on

We've been collecting materials for going on seventy years.这是错误的句子。是根据汉语逐字翻译的。去掉going on:We've been collecting materials for seventy years.

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《韦氏高阶词典》work[+ object]He works about 60 hours a week.The job requires that you work some nights and weekends.She is used to working long hours.work可以后接名词,有的词典认为名词是状语,有的名词认为名词是宾语。在古英语中,名词可以作状语,但词尾要用夺格形式。现代英语中...

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steal its way,cheat its way怎么理解

fight one’s way, 杀出一条路,一路拼杀。steal one’s way, 靠偷窃创出一条路。cheat one's way, 靠欺骗创出一条路。这是特朗普污蔑中国的进步是靠偷窃美国知识,靠欺骗而得来的。

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有关比较级的练习题(a more...带是a most...)

--Thank you for a ____ interesting evening I have never spent.never显然是ever的笔误。限制性定语I have ever spent提示这是我度过的最有趣的一个夜晚,需要用最高级,最高级意味着唯一的概念,而唯一的就是特指的,所以不定冠词的使用为错误,应改为定冠词the. 如果去掉限制性定语,则 a most interesting evening是正...

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They came to a classroom, in the front of which sat a student.这个非限制性定语从句采用了完全倒装结构。试比较:A student sat in the front of the classroom. 本句中sat为不及物动词,后接必具性地点状语。当出于某种原因必具性状语前置(即移至句首),且主语不是人称代词时,则必须完全倒装:In the front of the...

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I heard of I having been chosen to be the coach of the team.此句语法错误。of后接动名词复合结构,动名词的逻辑主语要么用属格my, 要么用宾格me. 主格I 为语法错误。I heard of my having been chosen to be the coach of the team.to be...为动名词短语中的主语补足语,为动名词的内部结构。整体红色部分为动名词复合...

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从句判断(His height is double what it was...)

 His height is double what it was three years ago.what it was three years ago 为名词性关系分句,what在这里等于the heigh that。所以,这个句子等于: His height is double the height that it was three years ago.double为倍数词,倍数词+the/物主代词+名词=是...的n倍。例如:His salary is three...

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