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性别: 注册于 2017-03-17


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National Geographic Expeditions 主语grew 谓语动词from this legacy 来源状语as a way to invite others to explore and encounter the wonders of our world up close.方式状语。其中to invite...为不定式短语作定语修饰 a way。up close为副词短语后置修饰our world。

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There are still living...是什么句式

这个句子不是there存在句,这个there是地点副词,需要重读。地点状语前置,谓语为不及物动词,主语不是人称代词,则句子必须完全倒装,即主语后移至句末。你还可以用其它地点状语替换there。例如:Deep in the forest are still living a few very old women. 倒装句A few very old women are still living deep in the for...

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Here is so big a stone as no man can lift. 这是一个错误的句子。网友有很多讨论,并被用作语法考试题或模拟题。其所谓的语法依据是:定语从句的先行词被so, as, the same, such修饰时,关系代词用as, 而不用that。但这个试题的命题人忽略了一个事实,so...as...表示比较意义时,so只能用在非肯定句中,即用于否定句...

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we create parallel synaptic paths, and even entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks. 这是二个并列分句的宾语都带有相同的定语从句,因而简化为一个句子。we create parallel synaptic paths that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative track...

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关于look up at中状语的疑问

up和down为方向状语,at the sky为目标状语,to London为目的地状语。要么就粗略地知道他们是状语,修饰动词即可,意思你是明白的。

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close to that immediately understood by the particular computer为形容词短语作low level的后置定语。其中that为替代词,替代前面的名词the language,immediately understood by the particular computer为过去分词短语作that的后置定语。which引导非限制性定语从句,对that(the language)作补充说明。

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seem接形容词或名词时,to be都可以省略吗?

当表语为确认性表语时,to be是不可以省略的。例如:It seems that Tom is the right person to do it.Tom seems to be the right person to do it.Tom seems the right person to do it. (错误)

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语法中并没有“形容词前通常用the"这个规定或规则。这是你的误解。1 学习英语重点是动词和从句,包括动词的时态、语态、语气、非谓语动词用法,以及各种从句等,需要百分之百的掌握。掌握了这二点,你就掌握了英语的基本结构。2 冠词的使用是很复杂的,作为初学者很难、也没有必要完全掌握冠词的用法,大致了解就足够了...

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They move from job to job until they find something that suits them and of equal importance to which thay are suited.= They move from job to job until they find something that suits them and as importantly to which thay are suited.of equal importance = as importantly 为评注性状语,为说话人对第二个定...

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你的问题很奇怪。the question和remain之间逻辑上本来就是主动意义,为什么要被动?你提问前应该自己动脑子想一想。现在分词作定语,表示主动意义。

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