年费会员 实名认证 专业认证

性别: 注册于 2017-03-17


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be about much more than的理解

本句中的about为介词,表示目的。《麦克米伦词典》在这个意义下的例句为:Movies are all about making money these days.如今电影完全是为了赚钱。网友句子中的music is about entertainment 意为”音乐是为了娱乐“。more than在这里是副词,意为”不止、超过“。例如,I have more than ten dollars. more than本...

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as...as when结构中when引导的是什么从句

I am as strong now as when I was a young man.从句省略了I was.I am as strong now as I was when I was a young man.从句的when不可省略,省略后为逻辑错误:I am as strong now as  I was a young man. 从句缺少时间状语与主句的now构成比较逻辑。I was a young man不能作状语。

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The study found that the kids when they were five, six or seven, who had been watching more violent TV shows had grown up to be more aggressive adolescents as compared to the adolescensts who had been just as aggressive in childhood but had not watched as much media violence.首先这个句子有一处语法错...

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疑问词怎么分类? 关系代词?关系副词,疑问副词,疑问代词

网友可能误将wh-开头的词理解为都是疑问词了,所以才会这么提问。wh-开头的词可以分为六类:1 疑问代词(who/whom/whose/what/which)、疑问限定词(which/what/whose)、疑问副词(when/where/why/how)。这些词就是所谓的疑问词,它们都有疑问含义。它们的句法功能为引导疑问分句:特殊疑问句或间接疑问句(即名词性从句)。...

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我换一个句子解释;Dive deeper into the water. 听话人已经潜水一次,比如潜到了2米深处。现在我让他再潜一次,这次再深一点。我就会用比较级deeper,这是和前一次潜水深度作比较。你查一下你的句子的出处,前面应该有提示的。我之所以没有直接解释你等句子,因为你的句子我看不懂。祈使句表示命令?

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as well as和than

The outcome depends on conditions as well as on how events unfold.as well as是个准并列连词,虽然不能连接分句,但可以连接词组或短语。本句中as well as连接的是二个介词短语,on conditions 和 on how events unfold. 这是标准的对等结构。介词的宾语可以不一致,但都是介词短语。语法没有任何问题。than是从属连词...

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短语go for broke与for real

原则上介词后接名词或代词。但也有介词后接形容词的,这都是固定用法。例如,for sure, for certain, at present, in short等。这些都应该作为固定习语来学习记忆。常查词典即可。

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and when lastly,upon his insisting in a positive and angry manner to see them,they came to greet him,whom should he see in their company,but the hated Goneril,who had come to tell her own story and set her sister against the king her father!我简化一下这个句子:When they came to meet him, whom should...

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莎士比亚《第十二夜》句子分析(had a daughter loved a man)

My father had a daughter loved a man, as I perhaps, were I a woman, should love your lordship.本句loved为主动意义,后接宾语,显然是过去式,即限定动词作谓语。其前应该有关系代词who. 这个句子如果是中国学生写的,肯定会判为错句。莎士比亚写的句子,用现代英语的标准衡量,也会按照错误评分。至于在莎翁时代定语...

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blame 用法(主动与被动)

The mother didn't know who (to blame) for the broken glass as it happened.该句中,to blame 可以用 was to blame 代替吗?或者也可以用 should be blamed代替? Who is to blame = Who should be blamed ? 正确吗?疑问词+to do不定式是间接特殊疑问句的简略形式。即省略与主句相同的主语和情态动词,将情态动词后...

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