王汝涛 - 英语教师
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性别: 天津 - 天津市 注册于 2016-08-07


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    这是我曾回答过的一个问题。我当时的回答是在最高级后面谈到地点时,介词用in 不用of. 依据是:Collins COBUILD English Usage  HarperCollins Publishers 2012 该字典提到:(When referring to a place), you use in, rather than 'of', after superlatives. For example, you talk abou...

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翻译:many a broken,vine-ripened promise(2015高考全国卷)

Disappointed by many a broken, vine-ripened (蔓上成熟的) promise, I’ve refused to buy winter tomatoes for years.译文:对于许多一个个的连蔓都熟透的承诺未能兑现而感到失望,我拒绝购买冬季的番茄已有多年。vine-ripened ,按照英语构词法,这次词的意思是“蔓也熟透了”,原题中文注解为“蔓上成熟的”不太准确。这类...

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Emergency physicians don’t have continuing relationships with patients like other doctors. We get the suddenly sick. Often they are frightened. Sometimes they are angry at us just because we were there. 请看我的翻译:急诊医生不像其他的医生那样和病人保持持久的关系。我们收治的是急症病人。通常他们都很...

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in,of 在表示范围和所属关系时怎么区分

请参见http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-21910.html 请参考我对第二问的解答。 Sydney is the largest city in Australia.这里要用 in, 不用 of。France is one of the countries of Europe. 这里用 of 或 in 都正确。

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    这里 Where = whereas, 可以互换。Although 也可以表示对比,也可以用在此题中。请看although 用于对比的例句:1. Although once regarded by some as a relatively harmless condition, researchers now say that childhood anxiety raises the likelihood of encountering serious problems late...

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两句错误主要有三处:impresssion 后用of,不用about, fantastic 不用very修饰,nice and quiet比较特殊,按照规范的英语,一般放在它修饰的名词后面。如:The place is nice and quiet. 不说:It is a nice and quiet place.改后:My impression of the English Q&A website is fantastic.The house where Mon and Dad...

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both的指代问题(both books是指两本书一共还是两本书分别)

看了几位老师的回答后,我发现这个问题可能是中国语法教学的盲点。我的理解和几位老师不同。关于第一个问题:我觉得both的这种用法是模糊的,在规范英语中,指每一个个体,Both books cost me twenty dollars. 即这本书花了我20元,那本书也花了我20元,实际总共40元。请看American Heritage Dictionary给了很清楚的解释:“...

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    第一个问题:我查阅了张道真编《实用英语语法》(2002年版)p110 写的是some of 可以做主语,宾语。some 可以做定语。该书中提到名词+of 构成定语,是指的如:a cup of tea. a cup of 做定语,与你的例句不是一会事。在你的例句中,Some of ...  中some 是代词,应该做主语。some也可以做表语...

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And he led them a great pace over rough and smooth

    我觉得over rough and smooth and through thick and thin 应该做状语,and前后是两个习语,意思相近,大概意思是不管是在一帆风顺的时候,还是在遇到困难的时候,都坚持不懈地做某事。两个相近的短语连用,表示强调。them a great pace是复合宾语。a great pace是名词短语。

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It is what is not there which will raise some eyeb

   你的问题有个小错误,最后一个单词没有写完整,应该是eyebrows。根据你的句子和我的理解,大概意思应该是:那里缺少了什么才会令人震惊的。What指的是什么要根据上下文判断。raise some eyebrows 是习语,意思是惊讶,震惊。例句:Jemma's miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting. 杰玛...

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