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谢谢曹老师出题,我试着分析,如有不妥和错误,请指正!The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair and read some newspapers.基本结构:The closest was to sit…1. The closest——主语。这里的 the 是副词(曹老师在前面一个问题已有分析),这里涉及的一个固定搭配 come close to(接近),...

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Jack is under Smith是什么意思

Jack is under Smith.本义是:杰克在史密斯下面。引申义:史密斯是杰克的(顶头)上司。这样用的under,反义词是 over。比较:He is over me in the office. 在办公室里他是我的(顶头)上司。He is under me in the office. 在办公室里我是他的(顶头)上司。表示职位的高低,除 under, over 外,也可以 above 和 below。...

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Its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.

这样用的 trouble 不可数啊!为什么要用复数呢?

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1. It’s strange____ A.that he should havd refused the offer  B.he said“No” when we are offering C.when he said “No”                   D.how can he refused it 答案: A。it is strange 后面接的 that-从句通常用 should + 动词原形 这样的...

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分析句子结构:Others will call him Mr.bloggs.

Others will call him Mr. bloggs. 结构分析:主语:Others谓语:will call宾语:him宾补:Mr.bloggs

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“身份证”的翻译是identification card还是identity card

两者都可以,均通常略作ID card。如 Oxford American Dictionary for Learners of English 对 ID card 的解释是:a card with a person’s name, date of birth, photograph, etc. on it that proves who he / she is. ID card is short for “identification card” or  “identity card.”例句:identification cardHe fl...

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all/none/half of.. 谓语单复数根据什么判断?

1. crew 没有用复数, 但用了were, 难道是根据all来判断?------是的。2. “None of + 复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可,所以第二句用 come 也是可以的。3. 第三句意思是一栋建筑物(不是“成群建筑物”)的一半,故用单数谓语。

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像 die young, die poor, die happy 这类表达,有的人分析为系表结构,也有的人分析为动状结构。其总的特点是:die 后面的形容词表示主语“死”时的状态。

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英语中的度量形容词有 broad, deep, high, long, tall, wide 等,它们的特点是可以与度量单位连用。如:He is six feet tall. 他有六英尺高。The table is two metres high. 这张桌子两米高The garage is 6 metres long and 3 metres wide. 汽车房长6米,宽3米。

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从网友的这个标题来看:关于名词 snow 与动名词 snowing 的区别,就跟普通的名词名词与动名词区别一样,比如名词 snow 根据词义的不同,可用作可数名词与不可数名词,受到描绘性定语修饰时,可以连用不定冠词,等等;而动名词 snowing,它既具有动词的特征(可以带自己的状语修饰语),也具有名词特征(永远不可数,不连用...

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