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When I came home, he left的时态对吗

When I came home, he left. 的时态没有问题:它表示came home 和left这两上动作是同时发生的,即我到家时他刚走并且我还见到了他。比较:When I came home, he left. (came home 和left同时发生)When I came home, he had left. (came home 和left一前一后发生)

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5 赞同

You had need go there yourself有错吗

▲你的句子是正确的:这里的 had need 是一种旧式用法,意思是“应该”,其后接不定式(不定式通常省略to,但带 to 也不算错,只是比较少见而已),所以你的句子说成 You had need to go there yourself. 也是可以的。又如:You had need hire men to chip it all over artistically. 你应该雇人手在上面都刻上有美感的图案。▲...

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late afternoon如何翻译

late afternoon 的字面意思是“下午较晚的时候”,也就是“傍晚”的意思。

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doubt 后面的连词用whether/ if或that,不知有何规律可循

“在肯定句中 doubt 后面接 if / whether-从句,在肯定句中 doubt 后面接 that-从句”的规律已基本过时了,新出版的原版词典都不再提及此规律,有的甚至直接用相反的例句给予否定。比如《朗文高级》第4版就在 doubt 词条直接给以下例句(肯定句后接 that 从句):doubt (that) I doubt we'll ever see him again. 我...

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▲查《韦氏高阶学习词典》,其中的连词(conj.)用法共有4条,其中的最后一条便是:4. in a situation in which (在……情况下)We must be especially careful where children are concerned.Where most people saw a worthless investment, she saw opportunity.▲其实这类句子中的 where还暗示示一种隐含的条件,意思是“要是”“...

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4 赞同

as such 的意思与用法

as such 的用法比较复杂,这里只说说网友句子中 as such 的用法。这里的 such 意思是 of the type previously mentioned,意思是“前述类型的”,同时注意搭配 think of...as...,意思是“把……看作……”“认为……是……”,所以 think of them as...的意思就是“认为它们是前面所说的那种类型”。全句的意思是:Spiders are not technic...

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watch paint dry 如何理解

watch paint dry 的字面意思是“看着油漆变干”,引申一下,便是指“非常乏味”“极其枯燥”。如:Reading this book was like watching paint dry. 读这本书非常令人讨厌。Listening to a biology lecture is like watching paint dry. 听生物学讲座十分让人讨厌。as interesting as watching paint dry 是一种反语的说法,...

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in the early morning of May 10 为什么要用介词in不是on

按照英语的通常习惯,表示一般意义的“在上午”,要用 in the morning。要表示特指的某天上午,则要用 on the morning of... 如:He was born on the morning of May 10. 他是5月10日上午出生的。但根据英语习惯,当 morning 前面有 early, late 修饰时,即使是特指的某天上午,也要连用介词 in,而不是 on 。如:He was born...

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分析句子:His joke was such as to make everybody laugh.

▲分析:主语:His joke 系动词:was 表语:such结果状语:as to make everybody laugh句意=他讲的笑话很好笑,每个人都笑了。原句=His joke was such that it made everybody laugh.▲类似用法:The pain in her foot wasn’t such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走。His manner was such as to offend ne...

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英语中量词的问题(​a majority of 和the majority of)

a majority of 和 the majority of 都不表示“大量的……”,而是表示“大多数的……”。两者的区别是:1. a majority of 表泛指:即笼统地指大多数某人或某事物,如 a majority of voters 的意思是笼统地指“大多数选民”。2. the majority of 表特指:即指某个特定范围中的大多数人或事物,如 the majority of the voters 则是特指...

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