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abandon...for...与 abandon...to...的区别

肯定是 A,for 在此表目的,意思是“为了”。句中的 make a fast buck 是习语,意为“挣快钱”“轻易地赚钱”。句子大意:这位年轻人决定放弃现在的工作,去做一些可以快速赚钱的事。abandon A for B 和 abandon A to B 的意思区别是:abandon A for B 表示主动地为了B而放弃A。如:He decided to abandon medicine for literatur...

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你的问题有点大,最好找本语法书看看。不过帮你在英语语法网上找了一下,以下文章可能对你有所帮助:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200906/1258.html http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201101/1865.html http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201509/4155.html 

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at the same time as 如何理解

It is a big mistake to ask her to dinner at the same time as her ex-husband!分析:at the same time as 短语的省略原则上应与对应的比较成分在结构上一致,所以原句如果不省略应该是这样的:It is a big mistake to ask her to dinner at the same time as (to ask) her ex-husband (to dinner)! 在邀请她的同时...

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下面两个表达是一样的,没什么区别:have always lived in a placehave been living in a place

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get 是系动词啊,后接形容词作表语。这是get的基本用法之一。

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go fishing ____ the lake填什么介词(in, on, at)

仅就本句来说,我觉得填in, on, at 均可,但含义稍有区别:用on,指在湖面上(比如划着小船在湖里钓鱼)。用in,也指湖面上,但通常是指在较大的湖面,即人或船与湖面相比,显得很小。用at,是把 lake 看作一个地点。例句: One Sunday morning we went fishing at a lake. (2013高考英语陕西卷)They can go fishing in the...

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but的理解难点(If I might but see my native land...)

but是副词,意思与 only 相同。翻译:只要我可以见到自己的祖国,我死也是幸福的。

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wailing wall 是什么意思

《朗文英语大辞典》对 Wailing Wall 的英文解释和翻译如下:Wailing Wall:a high stone wall in JERUSALEM where Jews go to pray. It is the only remaining part of the ancient Temple of Jerusalem, which was destroyed in AD 70.哭墙:位于耶路撒冷的一面高筑的石墙,为犹太人的祈祷场所。哭墙是古代耶路撒冷神庙仅...

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用 no, some 或 any 填空

答案:There’s no chocolate in the kitchen, and there isn’t any in the fridge either.

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