蒋学文 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2016-06-01



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哪来的双重介词啊!只有 from 是介词,downstream 是副词。

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1. individual tuition  一对一教学(辅导、授课):Our training center offers individual tuition on demand.本培训中心对有需要者提供一对一教学(辅导、授课)。2. one-on-one teaching  / one-to-one teaching  一对一教学(辅导、授课)Our training center offers one-on-one teaching on dema...

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than did last year的说法对吗

同意前面两位老师的解答。但我觉得这个句子的时态也没有问题。我们可以设想今年的生日已过了。比如“上个星期”过了生日,来的朋友比较多,比“去年”生日时来的朋友多,于是就可以说:More friends came to his birthday party than did last year.因为上“个星期”和“去年”都是过去时间,所以都可以用一般过去时。网友可能是对...

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答案为D。即 Ten yuan's worth of sweets。类似的表达如: I bought 600 dollars' worth of food that day.  那天我买了价值600元的食品。I went and bought about six dollars’ worth of potato chips.  我去买了价值约6美元的土豆片。

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可以说a chance for doing sth(做某事的机会)吗

三种表达都可以,但以前面两种用法比较多见:1. a chance to do sthShe was panting for a chance to speak. 他渴望得到说话的机会。She watched (for) a chance to cross the road. 她等候过马路的机会。I’m giving him a chance to show what he can do. 我要给他一个表现自己的机会。This is your chance to win the hol...

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a cup of that there tea是什么意思(重点是that there的理解)

that there 与 that 的用法相同,属于口语中的非标准用法。英语中也可以说 this here,与 this 用法相同,也是口语中的非标准用法。《美国传统英汉双解学习词典》有如下说明:The demonstrative forms “that there” and “this here” are nonstandard.指示形式 that there 和 this here 是不标准的。

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在英语中将名词用作状语的情况不算普遍,在许多情况下,它们都有自己的搭配习惯,使用时需注意。名词作状语的主要用法如下:一、名词作状语表示时间在英语中,名词用作状语时通常用于表示时间,换句话说,也就是表示时间的名词在某些搭配中用作状语。如:Wait a moment. 等一会儿。See you next week. 下星期见I’ll see you...

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Just remember how much you all love me.这里的 how much 只有两种理解的可能性:一是表示疑问,二是表示感叹。根据前面的动词 remember 来推断,这里应该是表示感叹,因为你肯定希望记住一个事实,而不是一个疑问。但不管是表示疑问,还是表示感叹,这个 how much ... 都是宾语从句。 又如:I know how much you lov...

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on the back与on one's back(定冠词与物主代词的区别)

She came along with her baby on the / her back.你的句子只可以用 her,不可以用 the。原因是:涉及身体部位时,若要用定冠词代替物主代词,必须具备两个条件:一是涉及打击、摸拍、疼痛等动词,二是必须位于介词短语中。如:He hit me in the face.He was wounded in the leg.He patted me on the back但你的句子虽然是...

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on one’s arrival与on one’s arriving

你的句子不可以填 arriving。句意为:On our arrival we were told that our rooms had not been reserved.  当我们到达时有人告诉我们没有给我们预订房间。注意以下搭配:on arrivingon arrivalon one's arrival但通常不说:on one's arriving所以:On our arrival we were told that our rooms had not been...

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