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英语可以说 think … to be 吗

本题应该填 to be,似乎不可以填 as。think ...to be...中的不定式为宾补,是宾语从句的简略形式。比较:People think the girl in the phote to be my sister.(不定式 to be my sister 是宾补)= People think (that) the girl in the phote is my sister.(think后接的是宾语从句)▲《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》在 think 词...

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▲comparison的意思是“比较”,其主动性较强,指通过比较来观察其区别、异同、优劣等。表示进行比较,通常搭配动词 draw, make 等。如:I don’t know enough history to make a comparison. 我对历史还不够精通,无法加以比较。It is often useful to make a comparison between two things. 将两件事物相比较往往是有益的。Y...

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完全可以加上介词 to。其实,你的句子本来应该有 to,只是出于简洁的考虑,这个 to 承前省略了。I always try to be kind to people around me, even (to) strangers.但是,如果省略介词会导致误解或意思不清,则不能省略。如:He can be quite stand-offish and rude, even to his friends.他有时会很冷淡,很粗鲁,甚至对...

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首先要说的是,《牛津高阶学习词典英汉双解》的用法说明与例句确实不相符,可能是编者的疏忽。但关于 Who's next? 中的 next 是什么词性,不同的词典观点并不统一。比如《牛津高阶学习词典英汉双解》认为它是形容词,但《朗文当代英语大词典》认为用作表语用的next是代词,该词典所给例句为:What's next on the sh...

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instead of 后面可以跟原形吗

instead of用法说明 1. 用于 instead of, 是复合介词,除含有“代替”之意外,还含有否定概念“而不”的意思,其后通常接名词或代词。如:I’ll have  tea instead of coffee, please. 我要茶,不要咖啡。Will you go  to the meeting instead of me? 你代替我去开会好不好?2.  若后接动词,通常用动名词,...

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for example 可以连接两个句子吗

for example 不能用来连接两个句子,因为它不是连词。你的问题可以参考曹老师的以下解答:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-29573.html

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Close, but no cigar 是什么意思

《新牛津英语词典》把close but no cigar列为习语,所给解释是:[N. Amer. informal] (of an attempt) almost but not quite successful—— [北美,非正式] (尝试)几乎而未真正成功 所以你的句子的翻译如下:—How did you do in the contest?  你比赛情况怎么样?—Close, but no cigar. I got second place. 不...

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1. the suggestion is that在这里可以理解为“有迹象表明”吗?可以的。suggestion有这样的用法。2. 画横线的部分quite impossible in live performance within three-dimensional theatrical space,这整个部分都是状语吗?这不是状语,是定语,相当于 which are quite impossible in live performance within three-dimensi...

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an array of…作主语时谓语动词用单数还是用复数

你的问题要分两种情况来讨论——看 an array of 后面接的是可数名词(复数)还是不可数名词。1. an array of+不可数名词如果 an array of后接不可数名词,它用作主语时,谓语动词自然是要用单数。如:There was a splendid array of food on the table. 满桌子都是美味佳肴。There is a vast array of literature on the topi...

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英语句子结构分析(涉及 like 前后都有逗号)

查《朗文当代英语大词典》的 like 词条,该词典在副词用法的第一个意思是“嗯(用在说话中填补思考下文时出现的停顿)”。我觉得网友的这个句子符合此解释。《朗文当代英语大词典》的相关解释和例句如下:used in speech to fill a pause while you are thinking what to say next 嗯(用在说话中填补思考下文时出现的停顿)...

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