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by与till / until如何区别

两者均可用作介词,表示“到……时候”。区别如下:(1) by 的真正意思是“在……以前”、“到……时已经”、“最迟到……”等。如:I’ll have finished this book by tomorrow. 到明天我就会把这本书看完了。I require my new coat by Monday. 我的新上衣要在星期一以前做好。(2) till / until 的意思是“到……为止”,其谓语动词应是持续性动...

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Change your life for the better的理解

不是目的状语,而是方面状语,for the better 意思是“向着好的方面”。又如:His health changed for the better. 他的健康状况有所好转。Life has taken a turn for the better. 生活开始变好。Her condition took a turn for the better. 她的情况有所改善。There was a change for the better in the patient’s condition...

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...is that of...是什么语法结构

that 相当于 the problem。即原句相当于:The problem of learning is that of choosing from the given set of function...=The problem of learning is the problem of choosing from the given set of function...类似用法:Her status is that of an observer.=Her status is the status of an observer.她的...

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give a toss of one's hand 是什么意思

a toss of one's head / hand 中的介词 of 表动宾关系,指甩动的宾语是 one's head, one's hand 等。所以 give a toss of one's hand 指的“甩手”。造句: With a toss of his hand, he went out of the room angrily. 他手一甩,生气地走出了房间。She threw her hair back with a tos...

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这里的 as 后面没有接名词,接的是从句 what..., or what...such...as what...or what...由于as后面接的是两个并列的句子, 所以其后加了个逗号。

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a double room与a twin room有何区别

虽然两者都通常翻译成“双人间”,但有细微差别:1. double room 仅表示旅馆中供两个人用的房间,房间中可以是一张床(双人床),也可以是两张床(两张单人床)。如:We'll need a double room with a double bed.2. twin room 则不仅表示供两个人用的房间,而且还表示房间中放在两张单人床。英语词典的解释是 a roo...

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would, mind, being, kept, waiting:5个动词排列在一起,这个句...

谢谢刘老师出题!我觉得句子是正确的。涉及的搭配有:mind doing sthkeep sb doing sth (被动式:being kept doing sth)句意:He would not mind being kept waiting outside.他不介意要他在外面等着。

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▲除了动词 hope 外,还有一个动词是 bet。如:I bet I (will) win. 我肯定会赢。I bet (you) the Conservatives (will) lose. 我敢说保守党会输。▲另外,与曹老师的看法稍有不同,我觉得动态动词可以用一般现在时的。如:I hope you sleep well. 我希望你睡得好。I hope you pass your exams. 我希望你通过考试。I hope you...

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socially concerned chancellor的翻译疑问

socially concerned 的字面意思是“在社会方面很关心的”(socially 为方面状语)。所以 socially concerned chancellor 的意思就是“在社会方面很关心的大臣”,变通一下也就是“心系社会的大臣”——注意 chancellor 有多个意思是,是否宜翻译成“大臣”,需根据上下文而定——如果将 chancellor 翻译成“大臣”,...

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【讨论】a big amount of money的说法究竟对不对

查看了前面一个问题解答,我比较倾向于王老师的分析。我觉得,对于 amount of money 这一表达中 amount 前的修饰语,如果要表示“大”,可以用以下形容词:great, huge, large, immense, enormous, considerable, substantial, tremendous, fantastic, stupendous等,但没见过用 big的;表示“小”形容词主要是 small。——没有找...

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