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翻译: Not two people are the same.

Not two people are the same.  没有两个人是完全一样的。类似的如:Not two men are of a mind. 没有两人是同一条心。(一人一条心。)Not two persons think alike. 没有两个人的想法是相同的。

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为什么说 You shall…而不是You will…呢

▲这里的 shall 是情态动词,不是助动词,它在此表示“许诺”(这样用时 shall 要重读),你的子意思:You shall receive all the money that is owed to you. 欠你的钱你都会拿到的。▲类似的例子又如:You shall have a car for your birthday. 你过生日将会得到一辆汽车。You shall want for nothing while you are with me....

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1. 英语中形似介词的小副词称为小品词或副词小品词。小品词的实质是副词,而不是介词。这样描述准确不?答:不对。小品词可以是副词,也可以是介词。2.短语动词:动词+介词,动词+副词,动词+副词+介词这几种结构中的副词指的都是指副词小品词吗?答:其中的介词和副词都是小品词。3.对于短语动词来说,“动词+介词”与“动词+...

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go to kindergarten(上幼儿园)要不要冠词

▲应该用 go to kindergarten,而不是 go to the kindergarten。▲关于这个问题 Longman Dictionary of Common Errors (New Edition) 有这样一段说明:Use the / my etc only when you are talking about a particular school:She goes to a very good school.Our two boys go to the same school.When you refer to school a...

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你的句子中的 was hurt 最好分析为被动语态。因为句中用了in a traffic accident,它表示 was hurt 是在特定场合中发生。

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名词drink可数吗1. 表示“饮料”,注意以下用法:(1) 若视为物质名词,是不可数;尤其用于“food and drink”这一搭配中。如: She set the food and drink before the travellers. 她把饮料和食品放在旅客面前。 Food and drink are not permitted in this building. 在本建筑内不准饮食。但若强调种类时,则为可数。如:...

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是的,what在这里引导的是宾语从句,做介词beyond的宾语。记住:英语中所有介词都是“及物”的,都必须有宾语,其宾语不仅可以名词、代词、动名词等,也可以是从句(即宾语从句)。beyond后what引导宾语从句的更多例句:(1) Their behaviour went far beyond what is acceptable. 他们的行为实在让人难以接受。(2) I wil...

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by doing sth 可以表示原因吗

其实这里的 by having to... 短语仍是表示方式,不是表示原因。它被翻译成“由于被迫……“,这只是表达问题。句子的原意是:他通过在露天睡觉这种方式,比我们中许多人更接近大自然。

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​There are said to be...的用法

你的句子不能用 It is 代替 there are,但可以用 it is 来改写:There are said to be one billion people learning English now.=It is said that there are one billion people learning English now.据说现有10亿人学习英语。

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be up for sale求解

根据《剑桥高阶英汉双解词典》(第3版),be up for 中的 up 为 adverb(副词)。该词典的相关用法和例句原文引用如下:adverb INTENDED 打算的up for sth intended, suggested or being considered for something(计划要;被建议;正被考虑)That house at the end of our road is up for sale again. 我们这条路尽...

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