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▲这不是疑问句,而是虚拟语气的省略形式,即原句相当于:Had we not missed the plane, we would all have been killed in the crash.=If we had not missed the plane, we would all have been killed in the crash. 要不是我们错过了这班飞机,我们就都死于这场事故中了。▲你的句子省略了 if,并把 had 提到了句首。...

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help 后面的动词不定式 to 要省略吗

...helped put into effect the Act of Supremacy=...helped to put the Act of Supremacy into effect帮助实施《至尊法案》说明:其中的 to 可以省略,不是一定要省略。

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for sale作定语还是状语

The company advertised goods for sale.  这家公司为推销产品而做广告。1. 这里的for sale是作定语还是状语?分析为定语或状语,均可以,只是意思有所不同:如果理解为状语,则意思是:公司为推销产品而做广告。如果理解为定语,则意思是:公司为待销售的商品打广告。2. for sale 还能作什么成分,定语,状语?还有什...

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例如:I bought a new iron. It is not made of iron. 我买了一个新的熨斗,它不是铁做的。He grows a lot of chickens, but he doesn’t like to eat chicken. 他养了许多鸡,但他不喜欢吃鸡肉。His new novel is a great success, which shows that hard work is the key to success. 他新出版的小说获得了巨大的成功,这...

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Many years ago lived an emperor是省略句吗

这不是省略句,是倒装句,若不倒装,则为:An emperor lived many, many years ago.考虑到 lived 作为不及物动词,后面没有宾语,这样的句子读起来太突兀,于是就改用了倒装句(这样用的句子通常用于讲故事)。比较下面用 there lived...的句式:There lived an old peasant in that house. 有一位老农住在那栋房子里。Long...

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关于that与so that的用法问题

是的,这里的 that 就是 so that 的省略。又如:Bring it closer (so) that I might see it better. 拿近些,使我能看得清楚些。He started early (so) that he might catch the first train. 他出发早为的是要赶上第一班火车。

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查查词典就知道了:in succession to 是固定搭配(复合介词),意思是:继承…的(地),接任…的(地),当选…的(地)。又如:Who is first in succession to the throne? 谁是王位的第一继承人?Prince William is second in succession to the throne. 威廉王子是王位的第二继承人。这里的 first, second 是形容词。——————...

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It is likely that he will win中的it是形式主语吗

是的,it 是形式主语,that 从句为真正的主语。比较:It is likely that he will win.= That he will win is likely.又如:It’s very likely that she’ll ring me tonight. 很可能今晚她给我打电话。=That she’ll ring me tonight is very likely. 很可能今晚她给我打电话。It is likely that the factory will have to clo...

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bread, loaf, roll 如何区别

三者都可表示“面包”,bread 是物质名词,表总称,它是不可数的。bread 可以做成不同的形式:比如做成一个一个小的圆形的或长形的面包,这叫 roll(可数);或烤成一定形状的一大块面包(吃时可分割成小片[slice]),这叫 loaf(可数)等。如:I don’t like bread. 我不喜欢吃面包。Put the rolls on the table. 把面包放在桌上。T...

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He was alone with his roses and chocolates, like a fool.他带着玫瑰花和巧克力,孤身一人,像个傻瓜。with his roses and chocolates 是伴随状语。like a fool 是方式状语。

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