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网友的原句有错。根据句中的 all are 可知,句子主语应是复数,另外,reading room 前面也应该有限定词。应改为:The books with more pictures like this are all in the reading-room. 单就这个句子来说,like this 修饰 the books 或 more pictures 都有可能,只是意思不同:若 like this 修饰 the books...

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prevent sth/sb from doing sth中from可以省略不

下面两个结构都可 以用(没有区别):prevent sb (from) doing sth (from可用也可不用)prevent sb's doing sth (不能用from)所以你的句子:正:Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.正:Nothing would prevent him speaking out against injustice.正:Nothing would prevent his speak...

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My set of keys作主语时谓语动词用单数还是复数

我与前面两位老师的看法稍有不同:我觉得这道题不是很严谨,我觉得选 is / are  均可,只是选 is 可能更普通。若将 my set of keys 侧重看作整体,谓语动词用单数;若考虑 my set of keys 中的各个个体,谓语动词用复数(当然,用单数的例子可能更普通)。又如:This set of tools are very useful. 这套工具很有用。E...

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On September 19, Alibaba went public on the New York Shock Exchange. It shows that Ma Yun has done his business successfully. A short Chinese man seems to be the tallest man in the world right now. Ma used to be an English teacher. So far, he has become one of the richest men inChina.Ma was born in...

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8 赞同

Excited to be joining sports meeting是什么句型

▲其实这这不是什么形容词 Excited引导一句话,而是一个省略句,不省略前是这样的:I’m excited to be joining sports meeting.(I’m) So glad to see you. 见到你真高兴。(I’m) Sorry to bother you. 对不起麻烦你了。▲句中的 to be joining sports meeting 为不定式的进行式,表示原因,即它是使说话人感到 excited 的原因...

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我觉得句中的 suggested 是谓语动词,其主语是 outward appearances。句子意思是:他这个人比他外表看起来要难理解得多。

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如何翻译across the road from the shop

我与前面两位老师的翻译有所不同。我觉得应译为:他隔着马路在对面的商店叫我们。即“他”和“商店”各在马路的一边。类似的句子:She sat down across the desk from him. 她隔着桌子在他对面坐了下来。France is just across the Channel from here. 从这里穿过英吉利海峡就是法国。Across the street from where we were sta...

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The first one to do sth中的不定式是定语从句的简化吗(如何还原...

The first one to dump their stuff in that litter box over there, gets to keep the job.其中的不定式可以转化为定语从句。如:The first one who dumps their stuff in that litter box over there, gets to keep the job. 句意: 第一个把他们的垃圾倒在那边垃圾箱中的人有机会保住工作。句中的 get to do sth 在...

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“微信”的英语是 WeChat,可用作名词或动词。如:WeChat is a lifestyle now.(名词)Do you WeChat today? (动词)下面这篇文章对 WeChat 有所介绍,希望对你有所帮助。Are you still using text messages or QQ to chat with your family or friends? If your answer is “yes”, we have to say you are out. A new way of...

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look like raining 与 look like snowing 的用法对吗

从理论上说,look like rain, look like snow 这类表达是可以说成 look like raining, look like snowing 的,因为 like 是介词,后面接动名词,属于介词的基本用法。只不过用动名词raining, snowing 的用法不如用 look like rain, look like snow 普通而已。 至于 look like 后能不能接动名词,《牛津英语用法指南》...

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