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Worries about jobs(主语) are(系动词), so far(时间状语), focused(表语) on the export sector(方面状语).Worries about jobs are, so far, focused on the export sector.到目前为止,对就业的担忧集中在出口行业。

回答于 2021-01-19 08:57

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句子成分问题(as much as)

是的,这里的 as much as 表示让步,意思是“虽然”“尽管”。又如:As much as I should like to buy the house, I can’t afford it. 虽然我想买那栋房子,但却付不起钱。As much as it pains me to admit it, she was right. 尽管承认这一点对我来说很痛苦,但她是对的。As much as I hate it, I’m not willing to chuck my j...

回答于 2021-01-19 08:51

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even at their own expense 如何翻译

at sb's expense 的字面意思是“自己花钱”“自费”。如:She traveled at her own expense to Russia. 她自费去俄罗斯旅行。He had copies of the book printed at his own expense. 他自己花钱印了这本书。We were supposed to provide safety equipment at our own expense. 我们必须自己掏腰包购买安全设备。Teachers who s...

回答于 2021-01-19 08:44

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回答于 2021-01-17 14:33

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gone的用法(It works similarly for a landing gone wrong.)

肯定不能将 gone 改为 go / goes,因为后面是for引导的介词短语。仅从这个句子来看,gone wrong 应该是修饰 landing 的定语,所以它像是在 gone wrong 前面省略了 which has 或 which is。

回答于 2021-01-17 13:41

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Anxiety and depression more often than not cut short one's life span.注意more often than not是习语,意思是“多数时候”“多半”“常常”,与often的意思大致相同。如果你用often代替more often than not,句子结构就很清楚了:Anxiety and depression often cut short one's life span.很显然它是一个完整的句子,不缺任何...

回答于 2021-01-17 13:38

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longevity与life span有区别吗

longevity 有两个意思,一是表示“长寿”“长命”,相当于 long life;二是表示“寿命”,相当于life span。如:His longevity was remarkable considering he had been so sick when he was a child. 他自幼多病,能够长寿十分难得。The worms have a longevity of about two years. 这些虫子大约能活两年。life span 只表示“寿...

回答于 2021-01-17 12:24

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Here is some...的说法正确吗

Here is some useful tips.如果参加考试,最好用 Here are some useful tips.但在口语中确实也有人这样用(非正式),不过即使这样用,人们也通常会说成 Here's some useful tips.(即Here is用缩略式)Here’s some letters I want you to sign. 这里有几封信要你签字。

回答于 2021-01-17 10:44

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boiling water还是boiled water

boiling water 指刚开的水(很烫),boiled water指开过的水(不一定烫)。比较:She scalded herself on some boiling water. 她被开水烫伤了。If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water. 喂婴儿果汁要用凉开水充分稀释。你的句子指的用热开水把粉末调和,故用的是boiling water。

回答于 2021-01-14 13:49

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可以说the same…who…吗

可能是你记错了,或是误解老师的意思了。当定语从句修饰的先行词指人时,用the same…who…是很普通的用法。又如:That’s the same person who came yesterday. 那就是昨天来过的那个人。The caller is the same man who was here yesterday. 打电话的人就是昨天来的那个人。你的句子翻译:Police suspected that the same me...

回答于 2021-01-14 12:59