蒋学文 - 英语教师
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4 赞同

对East of China lies Shanghai的说法正确性的质疑

同意王老师的分析。王老师提到的问题我也参与了解答,当时忽略了这一点。另举几例证明王老师的分析:Japan lies east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。Russia lies north of China. 俄罗斯位于中国的北面。The most northern part of Norway lies north of the Arctic Circle. 挪威的最北部在北极圈以北。Canada and the Uni...

回答于 2021-01-21 09:34

2 赞同

有a pair of hands这样的说法吗

可以说的,a pair of hands的字面意思是“一双手”,也可引申指“能帮忙做事的人”。如:Give me a chance! I've only got one pair of hands you know! 别太着急!你知道我只有一双手!With the best will in the world, the job is too much for one pair of hands. 无论费多大力气,但凭一双手也没法应付这工作。We need an...

回答于 2021-01-21 09:27

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year after year与year by year的区别

答案应填 by。year after year与year by year的区别是:year after year强调持续(=every year for many years); year by year则侧重变化。比较:Roses and geraniums are perennials, flowering year after year. 玫瑰和天竺葵是多年生植物,年复一年地开花。Our salaries weren’t in fact moving up year by year as pr...

回答于 2021-01-21 09:16

2 赞同


说成 In the east of China lies Shanghai. 也完全可以的。只是碰巧这里的 east 可以用副词,所以才可以说成 East of China lies Shanghai.其他情况下是不能这样处理的。比如:The factory lies on the other side of the river.可以改为:On the other side of the river lies the factory.不能改为:Other side of the ri...

回答于 2021-01-20 22:19

3 赞同

句中的 X 如何翻译成汉语

可将X翻译成“某”:There was a sentence about X that I would have crossed out. 有个关于某内容的句子被我给删掉了。又如:Let us say Mr X gives a property to his son. 比如说,某先生把一份财产给了他儿子。如果与Y并用,也可翻译成“甲”“乙”。如:The children on trial were referred to as child X and child Y. 受...

回答于 2021-01-20 21:36

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个人的感觉是:在专有名词中,Grand通常词义翻译(即翻译成“大”)。如:H e raced his car in the Grand Prix. 他每车参加了汽车大奖赛。The Grand Canal joins the Hai River at Tienjin. 大运河在天津和海河汇合。The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。但有时也按音译(即翻译成“...

回答于 2021-01-19 13:58

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是的,ask后接that-从句要用“should+动词原型”这类虚拟语气,也可以不用should,直接用动词原形。你的句子也可以说成:He asked we should be sent to the front.

回答于 2021-01-19 13:47

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词典上确实没有 drop 用作系动词的用法。你说的情况有可能是指 drop asleep 这样固定搭配。

回答于 2021-01-19 13:24

3 赞同

as more than疑问

不要把 as more than 视为一个整体。在本句中:1. function as=起……作用;起…作用;扮演…角色。如:Teachers also function as counselors. 教师还兼顾担任学生辅导员。The couch was designed to also function as a bed. 这个长沙发还可以当作床来用。Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语中有些副词可作形...

回答于 2021-01-19 13:17

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简单地说,当notice表示通知的具体内容和住息时,它是可数的;当notice表示接到通知后的准备时间时,它是不可数的。比较:Notices were sent to parents about the school trip. 家长们收到了有关学校出游的通知。Please give us enough notice to prepare for your arrival. 请尽早通知我们,以准备迎接您的光临。

回答于 2021-01-19 09:10