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 你的句子来自2020新全国卷Ⅰ的完形填空题,其中的33应填 top,为方便起见,我们先把它填上:Molai built at the top of each sapling a bamboo platform, where he placed earthen pots with small holes to collect rainwater.(1)句中的 at the top of each sapling 是地点状语,本来应放在句末的,但考虑到built的宾语a...

回答于 2021-04-26 13:44

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know to do还是know how to do

know to do 和 know how to do 都可以说的,但意思不同,用法不同。请参考陈老师在本站的一篇文章:https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/116

回答于 2021-04-24 23:14

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如何翻译more than

There were about 390 people on board the ferry, about 100 more than it was allowed to carry under license.句中的 more than it was allowed to carry under license 并非定语,其实它与前面的100是一个整体,意思是“比……多出100人”。句意为:渡轮上大约有390人,比允许携带的人数多出大约100人。类似的句子如:The t...

回答于 2021-04-24 23:10

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介词in其中一个用法是用于引出某人身上所具有的某种品质或特质,如:It roused a feeling of rebellion in him. 这激起了他的叛逆感。A sweet disposition is a recommendation in her. 性情温和是她可取之处。We're losing a first-rate editor in Jen. 我们即将失去詹恩这位一流的编辑。Alcohol just brings out the wors...

回答于 2021-04-21 13:03

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stand表示“忍受”时,若其后接动词,可用动名词(英国英语)或不定式(美国英语);若句子主语与其后动词之间为被动关系,其后动词可用不定式或动名词的被动式,也可直接用动名词的主动式表示被动意义。根据《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》,以下几句都可以说:I cannot stand waiting any longer. I cannot stand to wait any lon...

回答于 2021-04-21 08:21

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改错:There are six children on board of the ship.

句子中的of是多余的。on board 既可用作副词,也可用作介词(后接交通工具):There are six children on board the ship. 船上有6名儿童。Conditions on board the ship were extremely cramped. 船上的环境极为拥挤。上面是用作介词的例子,以下为用作副词的句子:The plane crash took the lives of all the people on b...

回答于 2021-04-10 19:56

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注意本句为倒装句,其中的 by boat 是表语,不是主语。By boat is the only way to get here, which is how we arrived.=The only way to get here is by boat, which is how we arrived.句意:来这里的唯一办法是坐船,我们就是坐船来的。

回答于 2021-04-10 19:53

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原句为倒装句,不倒装则为:The country’s impressive population growth is basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the second war.其中的 basic 为形容词,意思是“基本的”,be basic to 意思是“对……来说是基本的”,其后any understanding of Canada是介词 to 的宾语。The country’s impressive pop...

回答于 2021-03-09 09:54

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三个句子中的 go 均为不及物动词,其后所接成分均为状语。

回答于 2021-03-09 09:45

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an early spring evening前用什么介词

就所给选项来说,只能用 of。介词 of 可以表示某事发生的时间,但这是一种过时的用法,你的句子现在一般用 on。

回答于 2021-03-08 17:19