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It’s hard to see your love loving someone else more.1. 这句话不是see sb doing,而是your love loving some else more的动名词复合结构,整体作see的宾语。回复:你再听听,句子中的 love 会不会是 lover。2. It’s hard to see means it’s hard to understand. 回复:It’s hard to see means it’s hard to understand...

回答于 2021-06-13 13:49

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没错,介词 for 后面直接跟动词,要用动名词,不能用不定式。如:She’s mad at me for being late. 我迟到了,她很生气。Thank you for pointing this out to me. 谢谢你向我指出这一点。He was arrested for handling stolen goods. 他因买卖赃物而被捕。I’ll never ever forgive him for leaving me. 我永远不会原谅他离...

回答于 2021-06-13 00:41

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其中的介词 of 是与 profit 搭配的,make a profit of 意思是“获利或赢利……”,这里的 of 不能没有。如:We made a clear / net profit of $500. 我们净赚500美元。He made a profit of £1,000 on dial sale. 他在那笔生意上赚了以前英镑。Last year the company made a profit of £350 million. 去年该公司赢利3.5亿英镑。T...

回答于 2021-06-12 18:36

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表示进行意义。比较:Walking in the street the other day, I found Micky’s mother crying in a corner. =When I was walking in the street the other day, I found that Micky’s mother was crying in a corner.

回答于 2021-06-12 18:24

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what size dress还是what dress size

同意千千老师的分析。更多例句如:what size dress类的例句:What size ice-cream cones do you want? 您要买多大的蛋卷冰激凌?What size ball bearings do you use? 用多大号的滚珠?What size font are you using? 你用的是几号字?What size hat do you wear? 你戴多大号的帽子?What size battery do you need for the...

回答于 2021-06-10 22:16

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翻译:How does Nancy look to Daniel?

句中的to Daniel 意思是“在丹尼尔看来”。全句可理解为:How does Nancy look to Daniel? 丹尼尔认为南希看上去怎么样?

回答于 2021-06-10 22:01

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你想多了,这里的 snowy 显然是 snowing 的误拼。When I went into the mountains and climbed higher, it started snowing.

回答于 2021-06-10 21:58

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juice 的可数性要根据其意思来确定。1. juice 表示“果汁”“菜汁”时,是不可数名词。如:Add the juice of ten lemons. 加两个柠檬的汁。She filled her mug with orange juice. 她给自己倒了满满一大杯橘子汁。但它有时用于表示“一杯果汁饮料”,此时是可数的。如:Two orange juices, please. 请来两份橙汁。类似的用法有:T...

回答于 2021-05-26 15:04

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翻译:My legs just weren’t made to run like his.

be made 的本义是“被制造”,这里可翻译成“生来”。即:My legs just weren’t made to run like his. 我的生来腿就不像他的腿那样能跑。

回答于 2021-04-26 14:12

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翻译:The number of possible topics is practically limitless...

possible topics 可译为“可供讨论的话题”,全句意为: The number of possible topics is practically limitless. 可供讨论的话题数量几乎是无限的。

回答于 2021-04-26 14:10