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作宾语用主格人称代词:like my wife and I /me

你的问题涉及人称代词在“双主语”和“双宾语”(即 A and B 类型)中格的使用问题。在口语或非正式文体中,并列主语中若有人称代词,作主语时有时也用宾语,作宾语时有时也主格。不少语法著作和用法辞典都对此都有论述。比如下面的截图来自《牛津英语用法指南》(前面一个截图是英英版,后面一截图是英汉翻译版):

回答于 2021-06-15 14:34

5 赞同


Undergraduates will tell you that they’re under pressure — from their parents,from the burden of debt they incur,from society at large — to choose majors they believe will lead as directly as possible to good jobs.你的句子涉及所谓的嵌入式定语从句:…to choose majors they believe will lead as direct...

回答于 2021-06-15 14:26

3 赞同


能不能用 whoever 来引导名词性从句,主要看句子意思是通顺或符合逻辑。whoever 引导名词性从句时,其意相当于 anyone who,也就是说 whoever 引导名词性从句时,它在本质上是指“人”(anyone),其后的 who引导的是定语从句,是修饰“人”(anyone)的。现在回到你的句子:Whoever Cid’s buyer is isn’t going to be happy.=A...

回答于 2021-06-15 08:10

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不是现在完成时一定不能表示年龄,这主要看是否有这样的语境需要。比如给你的句子加个背景看看:The temple has been 100 years old, but it is still as strong as anything. 这座寺庙已经有100年的历史了,但它仍然坚固得很。又如下面这句也将现在完成时用于了年龄,完全正常:Tom has been ten years old but he still c...

回答于 2021-06-15 08:02

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have sth done 的意思是“使……被”,其中的 have 为使役动词,其后不能接带to不定式的。所以不能将 have sth done 改成 have sth to be done。又如下面各句中的加粗的过去分词也不能换成不定式的被动式:I had my hair styled this morning. 我今天早上做了头发。He had his leg amputated at the hip. 他被高位截肢了。I’m h...

回答于 2021-06-15 07:58

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market hunters和ambitious sportsmen的理解

1. market hunter 的意思是“为市场提供猎物的狩猎者”,也就是“将猎物出售而获利(而非自用)的狩猎者”,也可翻译成“贩猎猎人”“以打猎贩猎为生的人”等。2. 你说 ambitious sportsmen在这里有点突兀,可能是因为你把它按字面意思理解成“野心勃勃的运动员”了,其实 sportsman 除表示“运动员”外,还可表示打猎、钓鱼等的“户外运...

回答于 2021-06-15 07:42

4 赞同

and for good reason 是什么意思

这里的 and for good reason 可看作习语,也可说成and for good cause,意思是“有充足理由”,通常用于句末:It’s one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and for good reason. 这是该市评价最好的旅馆之一,这是有充分理由的。又如:The company has been held up as a model employer, and for good reason. They ha...

回答于 2021-06-15 07:31

2 赞同

set foot on/upon与set feet on/upon

注意 set foot on/upon 是习语,总是用单数,不用复数,这与一只脚还是两只脚没有关系。照你的理解,英语中的习语 on foot(步行)也习惯上用单数,难道它是表示用“一只脚步行”吗?再如 give / lend a hand(帮忙),总是用单独 a hand, 而不说 give / lend two hands。但是 set eyes on(看到,望见)却总是复数 eyes,而...

回答于 2021-06-14 07:50

3 赞同

That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all...

建议你把教材课文的全文附上。单独看这个句子,感觉有点不对。原句似乎应作如下改动:That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all.→It does my heart good to see settled people take to you all.看到安定(或定居)下来的人很喜欢你们大家,这让我很高兴。 又如:It does my heart good to hear you talk...

回答于 2021-06-14 07:44

3 赞同

in the space of与in the time of

填 space。句意:The man suffered two heart attacks in the space of a week. 这个人一周内经历了两次心脏病发作。in the space of:虽然其中用的是 space,但该短语主要用于时间,表示“在一段…的时间内”“在…期间”。如:106 people died in the space of five days. 五天里死了106个人。They moved house twice in the sp...

回答于 2021-06-13 16:58