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over the holiday, on the holiday, in the holiday的区别

over the holiday:介词over在此表示时间跨度,表示“在……期间”,与throughout, during大致同义。又如:Over the past 25 years, she has been a valuable asset to our company. 在过去的25年中,她一直是我们公司的宝贵财富。I've come to understand him better over the years. 经过多年,我现在对他有了更深刻的了解。O...

回答于 2021-11-13 12:38

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sth is important for sb to do sth 对吗

Keeping a positive attitude will be important for everyone to get through this difficult period.句中的 for 表示“对……来说”,everyone 后面的不定式是定语,修饰everyone:everyone to get through this difficult period=度过这个困难时期的每个人for everyone to get through this difficult period=对于度过这个困...

回答于 2021-11-13 12:08

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句中的 suggestions 可以改为单数 suggestion。在类似的疑问句中,any 后面接的可数名词用单数或复数均可以,主要看在通常情况下是“一个”还是“多个”。比如我们问某人有几个孩子时,通常会说: Does he have any children? 但是,在实行计划生育的年代,由于提倡一对夫妇只生一个孩子,所以人们就会说: Does he have any...

回答于 2021-11-12 08:35

4 赞同

piece by piece作什么状语

piece by piece 作方式状语。根据韦氏高阶,此用法中 by 的意思是:used in phrases to describe how a series of people or things proceed or are dealt with(用于短语,表示一群人的行进方式或一连串事物的处置方式)。类似用法再如:They entered the room two by two. 他们两个两个地走进房间。I solved the problems...

回答于 2021-11-10 15:56

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表示年代的数字确实可以用于名词前作定语。如:He bought one of the old 1965 models. 他买了一辆1965年的老型号。His design was a descendant of a 1956 device. 他的设计是1956年一个装置的衍生物。Young is the only holdover from the 1988 team. 杨是1988年队员中唯一留到现在的队员。He spent almost three years r...

回答于 2021-11-09 21:55

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dos and don’ts 用法举例

Observe the following dos and don’ts. 请遵守下列注意事项。Some teachers have too many dos and don'ts. 有些教师规矩太多。I have no knowledge of the political dos and don’ts. 我对政治上的规矩一无所知。Here are some dos and don'ts for exercise during pregnancy. 这是妊娠期间锻炼的一些注意事项。The bookl...

回答于 2021-11-09 21:39

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关于双重所有格的问题(a friend of sb, a friend of sb's)

这是一个有关“双重所有格与of所有格区别”的经典例子,下面引用的是许多语法著作都提及过的经典分析:He is a friend of your husband’s. 他是你丈夫的一个朋友。(强调你丈夫的朋友不止一个) He is a friend of your husband. 他是你丈夫的朋友。(强调他对你丈夫的友好) 这种区别可从下面的情景对话中清楚地看出:—Who told...

回答于 2021-11-09 21:11

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看照片时如何用英语确认某人(Whic is me? Which am I?)

当我把班级合影发到朋友圈的时候,我问看了合影的人,“我是哪个?”或“哪个是我?”Which is me?Which am I?这两句话都正确还是只有第一句是正确的为什么?——答:是的,要用第一句:Which is me? 因为这里的 which 是主语,主谓一致在这里指 be 与 which 一致。如果用陈述句,应该是:This is me. 而不会说:I am this (one)....

回答于 2021-11-09 14:39

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我觉得网友的怀疑是有道理的。句中的 China’s most famous mountain 改为 one of China’s most famous mountains 更合适,更符合事实。比较下面两句,显然是有区别的:China is America’s biggest trading partners. 中国是美国最大的贸易伙伴。China is one of America’s biggest trading partners. 中国是美国最大的贸易...

回答于 2021-11-09 12:34

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Tai’an, 18 June 2019. A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating an app about China’s most famous mountain. The purpose of the camp is to promote Mount Tai by introducing it to young people in a fun and easy way. The students are maki...

回答于 2021-11-09 11:26