蒋学文 - 英语教师
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回答于 2022-04-09 16:14

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Today’s youth are much more liberal-minded than those/the ones of the 1980s. 今天的年轻人比20世纪80年代的年轻人思想开放多了。我觉得其中的例句可能有以下两个问题:第一,句中的 the ones 用得不妥。根据 Swan 的 PEU,one和ones通常不用于所有格结构。请看: 第二,虽然根据 Swan 的 PEU 这类结构可以用 than thos...

回答于 2022-04-07 22:32

4 赞同


1. 本句属于 A, B and C 三者并列,只需在最后两者之间加 and 即可——may prescribe..., sound... and distort。2. than the facts warrant 是比较分句,warrant 为比较分句的谓语动词,因其主语 facts 为复数,故动词 warrant 用原形。又如:You are reading into the situation more than the facts warrant. 你对形势的估...

回答于 2022-04-03 22:12

2 赞同

choose to do sth 是决定做某事还是选择做某事

choose to do sth 既可表示“决定做某事”,也可表示“选择做某事”:They chose to go by train. 他们决定坐火车去。I chose to ignore his advice.我决定不理会他的建议。I chose to learn German rather than French. 我选择学习德语而不想选法语。More and more people are choosing to live alone. 越来越多人选择独居。

回答于 2022-04-03 22:00

3 赞同

take responsibility for doing与take responsibility to do

take responsibility for doing 属固定搭配,英语通常不说 take responsibility to do。又如下面的句子,通常都不用不定式:Would someone take responsibility for bringing Paul home? 有人愿意负责带保罗回家吗?Will you take responsibility for arranging the food? 你去负责安排食物的事宜好吗?The students take r...

回答于 2022-04-03 21:58

3 赞同

expect 的用法

朗文字典的例句毫无疑问是对的:正:The company expects to complete work in April.公司预期在4月完工。正:The team expects to win. 该队预计会赢。但经过你改写的以下句子也是对的,但与上面的句子意思不一样了——be expected to do 的主语可以是人或物(它可视为 expect sb/sth to do 的被动式。正:The company is ex...

回答于 2022-04-03 21:53

4 赞同


你句中的不定式完成式表示假想的过去动作。句意为:他太年轻,没能经历那样的苦难。附:不定式完成式的三个主要用法1. 表示比谓语更早的动作:即不定式所表示的动作发生谓语动作之前。如:I remember to have seen him do it. 我记得曾看见他这样做。He is said to have written another TV play. 据说他又写了一部电视剧。...

回答于 2022-04-01 20:54

2 赞同


就本题而言,一般认为要用 who,当 all 指人时,其后通常要接 who,一般不接 that:All who heard her speak were deeply impressed by her sincerity.但它指事物时,则完全可以说 all that:All that matters is that you’re safe. 最要紧的是你平安无事。

回答于 2022-03-16 23:58

6 赞同



回答于 2022-03-10 16:46

4 赞同

than从句后面可以省略主语it吗(than it had looked)

We worked for several hours and we were happy to see that the forest looked cleaner than it had looked before.句中 than 后面的主语 it 不可以省略——关于这个问题,本站已有不少讨论,你可以根据关键词搜索一下,认真去看看。尤其是剑桥语法提到的观点,值得注意。 关于 than 比较分句省略主语,主要限于以下两种情...

回答于 2022-03-10 12:59