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every minute与比较级连用

你的老师说的是对的。“比较级+every minute”的字面意思是“每分钟都在变得更……”,变通一下就是“越来越……”。又如:He is getting angrier every minute. 他越来越生气。The ball is becoming hotter every minute. 这球变得越来越热。

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主语是复数时,用作表语的 favourite 应该用复数,因为 favourite 用作名词时是可数名词(指“特别喜爱的东西”“受宠的人”)。如:I like all flowers but roses are my favourites. 花儿我都喜欢,但最喜欢的还是玫瑰。Manchester United and Arsenal were the pre-season favourites. 曼联队和阿森纳队有望在季前赛中获胜。...

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must be belong to 的用法对吗

同意曹老师的说法,这明显是个错句。应去掉 be:That toy truck must belong to Jane's little brother.那个玩具卡车一定是简的小弟弟的。

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the American scene 是什么意思

1. the American scene 是什么意思这里的 scene 意思是“活动领域;兴趣领域;感兴趣的事情”。如:I’m not into the club scene at all.  我对逛夜店一点都不感兴趣。As for that job you mention, not my scene. 至于你提到的工作,我不感兴趣。Hill walking is not my scene, so I stayed at home.  山地远...

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He is good fun 如何翻译

good fun 相当于 great fun, a lot of fun 等,意思是“很有趣”“很好玩”“很有意思”,可用于说明事物或人。如:He is good fun. 他这人很有意思。That was good fun. 那很好玩。The party was good fun. 晚会开得很有意思。All these are good fun. 所有这些都很好玩。Everyone here is good fun. 这里的每个人都很有趣。&nbs...

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one of the crowd还是one of the crowds(哪个对)

两个说法都对,但意思不同:one of the crowd 人群中的一个人one of the crowds 多群人中的一群人

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How is your room? 你的房间怎么样?

不可用“How is your room?”来询问“你的房间怎么样?” 这是用于问候人的表达。如:How are you?How is your farther?How is your mother?你的问题正确的表达可以是:How do you like your room?What do you think of your room?推荐参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201110/2560.html 

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happened to be句子

happened to be 的意思是“碰巧是或在……”。station-Atlantic Avenue-which happened to be the place where I had to get off.车站—大西洋大道—恰好是我必须下车的地方又如:She happened to be there yesterday too. 她昨天恰巧也在那里。She happened to be out when he called. 他打电话时,她恰巧不在家。

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