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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2016-06-01



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这是前面一个问题的继续。我看了曹老师在前面一个相关问题中的相关分析。参见:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-24254.html 对于这个问题,我与曹老师的看法稍有不同:我觉得这个句子在语法上和逻辑上都没有问题。从语法结构来看,这个句子中的 as we all respect 显然是定语从句,句子完全没有问题。曹老师质疑的是这个句...

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你的句子中的动名词是表示将来,即理解为:你介意汤姆去打开窗户吗?若表示完成,宜用完成式:Do you mind Tom having opened the window?

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“在不远的将来”可以翻译成:in the near futurein the immediate futurein the not too distant future“我希望在不远的将来能够拥有一辆自己的车”可译为:I hope I can have a car of my own in the near future.I hope I can have a car of my own in the immediate future.I hope I can have a car of my own in the not...

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关系副词where前面为何还可用介词(如from where)

关于你问题,我们按以下思路分析,虽然有点哆嗦,但可能对你的理解更有帮助:▲where用作关系副词引导定语从句时,由于它本身在意义上相当于“介词+which”,所以其前通常无需再用介词。如:This is the hotel where (= in / at which) they were staying. 这就是他们当时住的旅店。She has a safe in her closet where (= in...

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为什么用两个介词in in

你的句子中的两个 in 彼此是没有关系的(而且也并非都是介词):come in: 流行起来(in 为副词)in the sixties: 在60年代(in 为介词)例句如:Long skirts are coming in again. 长裙又流行起来啦。She was born in the fifties. 她生于五十年代。另外补充几个有两上 in 的例句,供参考:We moved in in January. 我们一...

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Like 在此处的用法是连词还是副词

这里的 like 是连词,不是副词。

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Johnson cut himself shaving.划分句子成分

shaving 是现在分词,用作时间状语,相当于 while / when (he was) shaving。类似地,下面句子中的现在分词也是时间状语:I got rather lost trying to find the station. 我找车站找得晕头转向。I cut my face shaving this morning. 今天早上我刮胡须时把脸刮破了。I broke my leg playing football. 我的腿踢足球时骨折...

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此处的would be 是过去将来时吗?


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英语难句结构分析与翻译(涉及as much as)

The focus on fitness is as much about science and the future as it is about keeping any individual astronaut healthy.▲结构分析句子的基本结构为主系表,理解的难点是 is 后的 as much about science and the future as it is about keeping any individual astronaut healthy。它涉及一个as much as 的杂合结构,整...

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The lib popped open.这句话中的open是什么词性

首先要说明的是,你的句子中的 lib 可能有拼写错误,似乎应该是 lid。The lid popped open. 的意思是:盖子噗的一声弹开了。又如:The lid popped open and juice spilled all over the floor.  盖子噗的一声弹开,果汁溅了一地。这类用法中的 open 是形容词,在句中用作主语补语(用以说明动作发生后主语所处的状态)...

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