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I know of a lady ready to help us句中的ready to help

句中的 ready to help us 不是宾补,是定语。相当于:I know of a lady ready to help us.= I know of a lady who is ready to help us.

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advocate of与advocate for的区别

根据柯林斯词典,表示或拥护计划或行动,通常接介词of;表示为某人谋利益,通常接介词for。如:He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system. 他是自由市场政策和多党派制度的坚决拥护者。An advocate for the homeless gave a stirring speech about their plight. 一个倡导者为无家可归者...

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There be类似句这么说有必要吗

句中的介词短语of a very extraordinary kind 是修饰名词accident 的。原句相当于:There an accident happened of a very extraordinary kind.=There happened an accident of a very extraordinary kind.=There happened a very extraordinary kind of accident.(那儿)发生了一起非常奇怪的事故。There happened…是ther...

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是的,不及物动词是有过去分词的,而且过去分词是不能表示被动的。你说的 a fallen tree 不可以理解成“树是被吹倒的”,也不能理解为“树被外力弄倒的”,因为 fall 并没有“把……吹倒”“用外力把……弄倒”的意思。fall 的意思是“倒下”“落下”,所以 a fallen tree 不表示被动,而表示完成,即“已倒下的树”。而 a falling tree 则指“...

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look like的词性分析

He looks like a professor.句中的 looks 是系动词,like 是介词。句子分析:He (主语) looks (系动词) like a professor (表语).

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同意刘老师的解答。为帮助网友理解,我引用《牛津英语语法词典》对 pragmatics(语用学)的解释中的一个例子来说明:I've borrowed this book from the library.《牛津英语语法词典》认为这句话在不同情景中有不同的语用功能(交际功能):I've borrowed this book from the library, so I don't want to...

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通常不会重复同一名词,原则上是在再一次提到同一名词时使用相应的代词。但这并不绝对,若需强调,重复名词也是有可能的。比如:When a baby is born, they enter that baby’s name into the computer. 每当有婴儿降生,他们就将婴儿的名字输入电脑。(比较: When a baby is born, they enter its name into the computer....

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这里的主句加不加 will 都可以,不加will,表泛指(即针对普通孩子经常性的行为);加will,则表特指(即指特定的某一次)。句子大意:如果这些六便士银币不拿去换糖吃,那它们放在储蓄罐里要叮叮当当响上好几个月。

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conjunction class 和superordinate clause 是什么意思

An even better case can be made for splitting the conjunction class into subordinators, which link a subordinate clause to a superordinate clause, and coordinators, which link coordinate constructions.分析:句中的conjunction class 的字面意思是“连词类”,指所有连词这一类词;superordinate clause 中的 s...

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▲网上相关解释对于2004年的这道浙江卷高考英语题:I _____ pay Tracy a visit, but I'm not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.A. should      B. might       C. would        D. could我在网上查了一下,所给答...

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