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fast 用作副词表示程度,主要有三个搭配。1. fast asleep 熟睡They were both fast asleep in their beds. 他们俩在各自的床上都熟睡了。There were two dogs on the porch. Both were fast asleep. 门廊上有两条狗,都在熟睡。When he went upstairs five minutes later, she was fast asleep. 他5分钟后上楼时,她已...

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the friend of my father's有错吗

根据英语习惯,当一个名词受到后置属格(即后置所有格)的修饰时,名词中心词必须是非特指的。A:Who gave you the ticket?B:A friend of my father’s. / My father’s friend. (正)B:The friend of my father’s.(误)注意,与此相反,当一个名词受到后置属格(即后置所有格)的修饰时,后置属格中的名词必须是特指的,...

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A group of children were found playing on the playground.句子成分分析:a group of children:主语were found:谓语playing :主补(在主动语态中它是主补)on the playground:地点状语

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显然有错,因为主句的 will 后面连动词都没有。可考虑译为:If you don’t / never abandon, I will be with you for ever.

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where 通常只用作副词,当它用于介词后作宾语时可视为代词。如:From where? 从哪里来?From where did he come? 他来自何处?可供参考的文章:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201406/3636.html 

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关于thank sb to do sth的疑问

可以说两种观点都对,也都不对,因为它不全面,也没有讲清楚。▲若要表示汉语的“感谢某人做某事”,英语习惯上用thank sb for doing sth,而不用thank sb to do sth。如: Thank you for taking the trouble to reply. 谢谢您给予回复。Thank you for lending me your car last night. 谢谢你昨晚把车子借给我。Thank you for...

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你的句子只能用 Amazed,不能用 Amazedly。这里用 Amazed,为形容词,表原因,相当于 Being amazed。句意为:当警察逮捕她的丈夫时,因为感到非常吃惊,她只是呆呆地站着盯着看。若用 Amazedly,只能理解为方式状语,与句子意思不相符。

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在通常情况下,介词后不接形容词作宾语,但有以下情况值得注意:1. 有时介词后直接跟形容词作宾语可认为是介词后省略了动名词being。如:Your account is far from (being) true. 你所说远非事实。The ancients conceived the world as (being) flat. 古人认为地球是扁的。2. 有些介词后跟形容词作宾语的短语已构成固定搭配...

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“喜欢这里”一定要翻译成like it here吗

▲是的,“喜欢这里”一定要翻译成like it here。这里的 it 不可少。类似地,“喜欢那里”,也一定要翻译成 like it there,而不能只说 like there。再如:I think you will soon get to like it here. 我想你会很快就喜欢这里的。When I arrived there, I knew at once that I’d like it there. 我一到达那里,我立刻知道我会喜...

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1. 句子基本结构为:Proteins are polymers of amino acids(蛋白质是氨基酸的聚合物)2. 其后linked together in the same type of amide bond 为过去分词短语,作后置定语,修饰其前的名词,Proteins are polymers of amino acids linked together in the same type of amide bond 的意思是:蛋白质是以相同类型的酰胺键...

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