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Tom, Dick and Harry是什么意思是什么意思

Tom, Dick or Harry 和 Tom, Dick and Harry 是英语中的惯用表达,类似于汉语中“张三李四”“阿猫阿狗”。举似如:(1) Nowadays they let in every Tom, Dick, and Harry. 过去这家酒店档次很高,现在张三李四谁都能住。(2) I didn’t want every Tom, Dick, and Harry knowing about my private life. 我不想让张三、李四等所...

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本句中的不定式是目的状语,也可说成 for filling…:Many technology companies have used the program to fill job openings.=Many technology companies have used the program for filling job openings.即:use sth to do sth=use sth for doing sth。

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very fun的说法对吗

fun 用作形容词完全可以用 very 修饰,前面两位老师已给出了很好的例子。我另外补充一点:fun 用作形容词是很“新”的用法,原来的词典都只标注它是名词。以 It is fun to come here.为例:现在认为:fun 是形容词作表语——所以可以用 very, really, greatly 等修饰。原来认为:fun 是名词作表语——所以它前的面用 much, great,...

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填介词 with,意思是“用”。相关搭配 celebrate…with…意思是“用……庆祝……”;句中的 in the nice place 没有什么别的意思,就可以按字面理解,即“在这个漂亮的(或优雅的)地方”,句意:上周一,迈克和他的妹妹珍妮在这个漂亮的(或优雅的)地方用一个蛋糕再加一些贺卡庆祝了迈克的9岁生日。

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It is raining cats and dogs outside.句意:外面正下着倾盆大雨。关于本句的句子成分,前面的老师已有分析。但我觉得也可以将 cats and dogs 分析为程度状语,在意义上相当于 heavily。如果要表达:天正在下着雨,猫和狗在外面。可以考虑翻译为:It is raining heavily, with the cats and dogs (being) outside.It is rai...

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选 appear 更合适,因为 look 主要指视觉印象。

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关于 tall 与 high 的区别,英语语法网有篇很好的文章,可供参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201512/4658.html    

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谢谢刘老师出题,我来试试:1. 这两所房子大不一样。The two houses are very different.This house is very different from / to / than that one.2. 这两所房子不大一样。The two houses are quite different.This house is not quite the same as that one.3. 这两所房子不一样大。The two houses are not the same size...

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the night还是on the night(2016高考江苏卷)

▲同意陈老师的分析:这里的 the night 起连词作用,引导时间状语从句,意思是“……的那个晚上”,与 the minute, the moment, the instant 等的用法相似。句意为:The night she won Olympic gold in Beijing, the routine murders in Waterhouse and the drug wars in the neighbouring streets stopped. 在她在北京赢得奥运...

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country, nation, state(国家)的区别

country, nation, state三者均可表示“国家”,有时互换。如:friendly countries [nations, states] 友好国家但三者的侧重点不同:country 侧重指国土或疆域,nation 侧重国民或民族,而state则侧重指政权或国家机器(通常大写第一个字母)。如:China is a large country. 中国是一个幅员辽阔的国家。The whole nation is [ar...

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