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回答于 2021-11-08 12:51

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what 引导的不是定语从句,而是表语从句。本句的 is 后面有三个表语:(1) our legacy from the past(2) what we live with today(3) what we pass on to future generations.句意:Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. 遗产(或传统)是我们的先辈...

回答于 2021-11-08 12:44

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big day的说法符合英语习惯吗

英语可以说 big day,也可以说 great day,两者意思大致相同(“重要的日子”),其中的 big, great 均表示 important, significant 的意思。如:They’re eagerly waiting for the big day. 他们在翘首企盼这个重大的日子。He is already getting in trim for the big day. 他已经在为那个重要的日子调整状态了。She’s alread...

回答于 2021-11-05 21:24

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secondary school可以用junior, senior修饰吗

secondary school 的意思是“中学”,用于英国英语,与美国英语的 high school 同义。既然可以说 junior high school, senior high school,当然也可以说 junior secondary school, senior secondary school。如:We started taking French in junior secondary school. 我念初中的时候开始学法语。Entrance to universities...

回答于 2021-11-05 15:37

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A is to B, what C is to D.


回答于 2021-11-05 10:59

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明喻(simile)表示“……像……”,表示两者之间的相似性,所以使用like或as的短语;而暗喻或隐喻(metaphor)表示“……是……”,即把“像”的意思隐含起来,故不连用as, like短语。如:“She’s as fierce as a tiger” is a simile, but “She's a tiger when she's angry” is a metaphor. “她像老虎一样凶”是明喻,而“她生气时就是只老...

回答于 2021-11-05 09:48

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网友的质疑是有道理的。表示“金钱”的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数,不是必须用单数,比如《张道真英语语法大全》就认为若要对组成部分加以强调动词也可用复数形式。以下接自《张道真英语语法大全》第847节:长度、重量、时间等名称多作单数看待:Fifty dollars (= The sum of fifty dollars) is not a large sum. Thre...

回答于 2021-11-05 09:34

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lose yourself, lose oneself 是什么意思

lose oneself in sth 可视为习语,意思是“沉浸在某事中”“全神贯注于某事”“着迷于某事”等。如:The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. 发现自我的最好方法是将自己投入到为他人的服务中去。He lost himself in his work. 他沉浸在工作中。I soon lost myself in the excitement of t...

回答于 2021-11-03 10:52

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the first后面接过去分词(为什么不是不定式)


回答于 2021-11-03 10:45

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act, action的区别1. act 主要用于具体的、短暂的、个别的行为;action主要用于抽象的、时间较长、包括不同步骤的、可以连续的行为:That’s one true act of friendship. 那是真正的友谊之举。He is a man of action. 他是位活动家。It’s time for action. 是采取行动的时候了。但若不严格区分,两者也可换用:His heroic a...

回答于 2021-11-03 10:42