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性别: 注册于 2016-01-18



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翻译:on the rare occasions we could get a babysitter

▲We'd gone up to the city, my husband and I, to see a friend of his from college. He was doing well for himself now, a businessman living in a high-class apartment on the Magnificent Mile. It was a treat for us to get away like this, on the rare occasions we could get a baby-sitter.▲翻译:我和老...

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这是so…that句式吗(...that so amused the policeman?)

与 English Expert 商榷:在浏览网友留言时,我注意到 English Expert 在留言中有这样一句话:我不否认你说夸克是英语界顶级专家,但是你敢肯定他从来没有出现任何错误吗?我的个人看法是:在一定历史时期内,夸克的观点基本上就代表“正确”,与他的观点相背基本上就意味着“错误”(注:书中的印刷或排版错误显然不在考虑当中...

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1. I saw George at work.句中的 George 是宾语,at work 是宾语补语。在英语中,“宾语+宾语补语”叫复合宾语。2. They gave him a watch. 句中的 him 是宾语(间接宾语),a watch 也是宾语(直接宾语)。在英语中,直接宾语和间接宾语叫双宾语。

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except that…引导从句时可以省略that吗

▲这个说法没有错,except that 引导从句时确实可以省略 that,但主要见于口语或非正式文体中。▲下面的内容摘自朗文词典的 except 词条:Except is not used to introduce another clause. Use unless or except if, except when, except while, except that. (except 不用于引导另一个从句。可以用 unless,except if,exc...

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has been that 是什么用法

▲本句中的后半句的句子成分怎么划分呢?the most personal 是主语;has been 是系动词 be 的完成式;that Americans aren’t so good at money-management 是表语从句。▲has been that…是什么用法呢? 它只是一个系表结构的完成式而已。比较:The official story is that they are just good friends. 官方的说法是:他们只...

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work 和 fill 之间可以是主动关系,也可以是被动关系,看你怎么用。比较:Too much work filled my mind.(主动)Too much work was filled in my mind.(被动;注意介词in)你的这道题答案确实应该选 B,但如果像下面这样改一下(加上介词in),则选取A:---Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.---Sorry...

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答案应选 C,因为这四个词中,只有 no 可以用作形容词,直接修饰名词,其余三个均不可用作形容词直接修饰词。又如以下各句中的 no 也不可用其他三个代替(因为它是用作形容词直接修饰名词):She had no job and no money. 她既没工作也没钱。There is no simple answer. 没有简单的解决方法。There was still no word from...

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find one's way是固定搭配吗

▲句子结构分析:(1) 句中的 and 连接以下两个句子构成并列句:She won’t walk in certain parts of the city runs screaming from the subway when one of these “rats with wings” finds its way onto the platform可以视为 and 后面省略了主语 she。即原句相当于:She won’t walk in certain parts of the city and she r...

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▲主将包括将来完成时、将来进行时、将来完成进行时吗?答:理论上包括,但实际上会比较少见(主要是运用这些时态的语境不常出现)。如:I hope he will have finished before we get back. 我希望在我们回来之前他已经做完。Joe will be cursing me when he finds out I’ve gone in without him. 乔如果发现我没等他就进去...

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你的句中的破折号起说明或解释作用(这是英语破折号最主要的用法)。又如:Hold on to the hand rail—these steps are very slippery. 握紧扶手——这些梯级很滑。Hi! You two! Don’t sit there—the paint is still wet. 喂! 你们两人别坐在那儿——油漆还没干呢!It’s hopeless trying to work when my brother is here—he’s so...

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