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需要根据具体情况来翻译。如:Such an expensive strategy requires cool nerves. 如此耗资巨大的计划只有胆识之士才能提出。The cost of the project was enormous, but it was not the fundamental cause of its failure. 这个项目耗资巨大,但这不是它失败的根本原因。

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foreign language training 外语培训be trained in foreign languages 外语培训They need some foreign language training. 他们需要进行一些外语培训。All members of the team have been trained in foreign languages. 全队队员都接受过外语培训。

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冠词的问题(South China用the吗)

你说答案为A,而A的答案为:第一空填×,第二空填 the。你问“第一个空为什么要用 the呢?”难道你的意思是说“选项中的×代表 the 吗”?你的问题的解答见:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-22245.html 

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a series of…作主语谓语动词用单数还是用复数

▲series 虽为复数形式,但可以表示单数意义,即单数与复数同形。series用作主语时,谓语通常用单数,但在现代英语中有时也用复数。如:The lecture series falls [fall] naturally into three parts. 该系列讲座可自然分成3部分。 ▲a series of 用作主语时,谓语也可以用单数或复数。如:——用单数的例子A series of robberi...

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旅游办事处= tourist office例句:the local tourist office 当地旅游办事处 Further information is available from the local tourist office. 进一步详情可向当地的旅游办事处查询。 The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service. 这个旅游办事处开办了实用的找房业务。

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for what seemed to be a very long time如何理解

这里的 what 为复合连接代词,在此引导宾语从句(用作介词 for 的宾语),同时 what 在此用作宾语从句的主语。又如:The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for what seemed like hours. 小女孩吓得不敢说话,在那儿站了几个小时。

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Will you belt up.(你快点住嘴)中的will是什么意思

根据《朗文当代英语大词典》,这样用的 will 表示命令。该词典的相关用法说明如下:will…GIVING ORDERS 发出命令, [spoken] used to give an order or to state a rule 必须〔用于命令或转述规定〕:Will you be quiet! 安静好不好!You will do as I say. 你要按我说的做。Every employee will carry an identity card at a...

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什么时候用at the time什么时候用for the time

▲Bad weather for the time of the year.这里用介词 for,表示“对于”,句意:对于一年当中的这个时间来说,天气很糟糕。(比如三四月份,本来是春暖花开的季节,却下了一场雪)▲It's the best weather at the time of the year.这里用介词 at,表示“在”,句意:在一年当中的这个时间,这算是最好的天气了。▲在没有上下...

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My friend is getting married的时态问题

请参见英语语法网的相关文章:1. 现在进行时表将来有哪些特点http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201005/1586.html 2. “进行时表将来”是“终止性动词”在进行状态下显示出来的未完成特征http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201305/3212.html

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台湾的语法学家常常将具有副词性质的短语叫副词短语,具有形容词性质的短语叫形容词短语。比如:The students are in the room. (in the room是副词短语)The students are playing cards in the room. (in the room是副词短语)The students in the room are playing cards. (in the room是形容词短语)又如:主语从句、宾...

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