陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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weep not for me 的 weep 是什么词性

【1】Weep not for me【含有否定含义祈使句】不是因为我而哭泣备注(1):not为否词副词,用来否定“非谓语动词”和“副词/介词短语”备注(2):weep not for me. 不是因为我而哭泣。(而是因为别人而哭泣)备注(3):weep not for me. 不是为我哭的。(而是为别人哭的)【2】Don't weep for me【否定祈使句】不要为我而哭泣备注(1):don’t...

回答于 2024-02-18 20:05

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nearby on 的用法疑问(nearby on Whitehall)

【1】Here are the gates of Buckingham Palace, and nearby on Whitehall is the site of a concentration of government buildings.【倒装结构】这里是白金汉宫的大门,而且白厅的附近就是政府大楼的集中地。并列句(1):Here are the gates of Buckingham Palace并列连词:and并列句(2): nearby on Whitehall is the site o...

回答于 2024-02-17 09:29

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just like介词与连词用法辨析

【1】But【连词】// just 【状语】//like how a camera fails to capture everything about a sunset【方式状语】, those images【主语】//don't capture【谓语动词】//everything【宾语】//that's unique and wonderful about ourselves【定语从句】备注(1):just为副词备注(2):like为介词,how为连接副词/疑问副词引导介词...

回答于 2024-02-16 13:17

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We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it——and stop there.备注(1): only the wisdom that is in it为不定式to get的宾语,out of an experience为 不定式to get 来源状语。备注(2): that is in it为定语从句修饰名词the wisdom,关系代词that指代the wisdom并在定语从句作主语it指...

回答于 2024-02-15 20:53

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I 【主语】//was doing【谓语动词】// my homework【宾语】// until my mum came back【时间状语从句】//.参考译文:我做我的家庭作业一直到(做到)我的妈妈回来。备注(1):主句使用“过去进行时态”表主句动作从过去某个时间点一直持续到妈妈所回来的时间点。备注(2):从句使用“一般过去时态”表示主句动作一直持续到从句所表示的...

回答于 2024-02-02 13:52

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【1】East Buy【主语】//claimed 【谓语动词】//what Dong Yuhui said in his livestreams was not written by himself【宾语从句】参考译文:东方甄选声称董宇辉在他直播里所说那句话/事情不是由他自己写的。备注:what为融合型关系代词引导名词性关系分句(宾语从句),what=the thing that或者what=the word that【2】what D...

回答于 2024-02-02 13:39

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回答于 2024-01-30 12:36

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all made of rice成分

These artifacts are an astounding success, all made of rice.参考译文:这些手工艺制品是令人震惊的成功,全部都是用大米做成的。解答:all made of rice 为副词(all)+过去分词短语(made of rice)构成过去分词短语作非限制性定语,修饰前面的名词these artifacts相当于定语从句which are all made of rice.备注(1):如果all...

回答于 2024-01-30 12:03

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notify  vt.通知;告知,主要有以下几种结构用法【1】notify sb of sth【主动】The skipper notified the coastguard of the tragedy. 船长向海岸警卫队报告了这起灾难。【2】sb be notified of sth【被动】The police must be notified of the date of the demonstration. 必须向警方报告游行示威的日期。【3】notify sb th...

回答于 2024-01-26 10:32

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解答:方位副词和地点副词一样,都是可以作后置定语。The paragraph above give a clear definition of strategic management. 上一段给出了战略管理的清楚定义。The boys are curled asleep in the small bedroom upstairs.  男孩们蜷缩在楼上的小卧室里睡熟了。 Please write to me at the address below.请按照下面的地...

回答于 2024-01-25 18:12