陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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▲在回答你的问题之前,我们必须要搞清楚以下几个问题:(1) 一个完成的句子如果没有连词的情况下,只可以允许有1个谓语动词;(2) 如果有2个谓语动词,必须有一个连词(这个连词可以使引导并列句的并列连词,也可以使引导主从句复合句的从属连词);(3) 如果一个句子没有连词,却有2个动词出现,必须有一个动词属于非谓语动词...

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Mike doesn't like the job at all, but his father _____ he could be a policeman in the future . A. wants      B.hopes       C.wishes        D.expects 标准答案选C.   但是hope与wish都可以加从句,为什么hopes不可以呢? 求老师...

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be to do 的用法

He was to become the first American president to visit Hirosima.这里动词不定式to become 作表语,表示主语按照计划,安排即将要做某事; 

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will, would 的区别(涉及混合虚拟语气)

What would you do if it ___tomorrow?参考译文:如果明天下雨,你们会做什么呢?We have to carry it on ,since we've got everything ready.参考译文:我必须继续这件事,因为我们已把一切都准备好了。A. rainB. rains C. will rainD. is raining答案为B。请问题干中的would 什么意思和用法?改成will 可否?二者有何...

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All 260 people aboard the airplane were killed along with six people at the crash site, leaving many people to mourn the loss of their loved ones.参考译文:机上260人与事故现场6人全部遇难,这使得很多人为失去他们的亲人感到十分痛心/悲痛。这句话是不是这样翻译的啊?机上260人全部遇难,连同在事故现场的六人...

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a minute later中的later是后置定语吗

a minute later 一分钟后,属于副词用法A minute later he excused himself and left the room.  一分钟之后,他说了声抱歉就离开了房间。Half a minute later she came in the front door.  半分钟之后,她就从前门进来了。Herry came in a minute later.  一分钟后,亨利进来了.later 副词用法“后来;以后...

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be considered of 中的of引导的介词短语是否是主语补足语

同意曹老师解答观点English is considered of great importance for us.=English is considered very important for us.=People consider English very important for us.=People consider English of great importance for us.be of (great) importance= be (very) important 关于主语+be+of结构 be+of+名词=be +该名...

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与make a promise that…类似的句式

He made a promise that he would lend me the money.老师说这是一个有用的句式,它的结构是 make a + 名词 + (1)make a promise to do sth 具有同位关系的不定式作后置定语(2)make a promise that sb do sth 同位语从句作前面名词的同位语promise属于以结构用法还有make a plan to do sthmake a plan that make...

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the same 后的定语从句由as还是that引导

She was wearing the same dress that I had on(同类同物)如果是同一时间就需要改为关系代词引导定语从句。She was wearing the same dress as I had on.(同类异物)解答如下:such+名词+关系代词as/that引导定语从句可以互换情况只能是“表示抽象意义名词”时I have the same opinion as /that you have.理解(1)以上句子...

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同意曹老师解答!My parents’ marriage was a classic of its time--- those years of the so-called cultural revolution, with no wedding ceremony and no honeymoon.参考译文:我父母的婚姻是那个时代传统典型代表,即所谓的文化大革命的那些岁月,没有结婚仪式和蜜月。

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