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The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences,enlisted by the White House,to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.参考译文:最近的一次是由白宫召集的美国国家科学院的一个专门小组,告诉我们地球大气层确实在变暖,而且这个问...

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I want to know what happened. 句子成分分析

I (主语)//want(谓语动词)//(宾语) to know//(不定式后面宾语从句) what happened. 参考译文:我想知道发生了什么事情。句子结构解析如下(1)I为句子主语成分(2)want为句子谓语动词(3)to know what happen为句子谓语动词“want”宾语成分(4)what happened为不定式to know的宾语成分(what引导宾语从句充当宾语,并...

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go home与go to one's home的用法比较

回答如下:请将原来句子改为下面正确句子:Green will go to herself home tonight.中文意思:格林今晚将自己回家。(意思不需要别人陪同或者护送回家;注意反身代词)(1) go home回家(2) go to one’s home 去某人的家(3) stay at homeA. 形容词不喜欢出门的,不喜欢离家的B. 名词:不爱出门的人,不爱离家的人C. 介词短语...

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给English Expert 提点诚恳建议

非常赞同刘老师所提出宝贵建议和具有建设性的提议!I can't agree more with the precious suggestions and constructive proposals Teacher Liu has put forward as regards how to get the problems in the question-answering website solved in a conscientious way.

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caps a lengthy process怎么理解

Trump's decision caps a lengthy process that often played out in public and exposed rifts within his transition team.参考译文:特朗普的决定结束了一个漫长的过程,这个漫长过程经常出现在公共场合而且也暴露出他过渡小组内部的严重不和。请问:caps a lengthy process 怎么理解,什么意思?谢谢!解答如下:cap...

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change for worse与change for the worse的用法

(1)for the worse 向坏的方面发展,恶化,更坏The patient's condition changed for the worse.  病人的病情恶化了. There is a change for the worse in the weather today.  今天天气会转坏. Big change in companies is mostly for the worse.  企业发生巨变往往没什么好处.This storm is...

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She stood there motionless, her eyes filled with tears—whether of shame, frustration, or grief it was difficult to tell.  motionless 是形容词,为何修饰动词sat? 原句中的用法是固定搭配吗?再比如 drive safe, 而不是drive safely. drive safely 属于动词drive+副词safely(作状语)的用法解答如...

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解答如下【1】介词on+表示机构/组织的名词中表示“供职于/是…成员(1)on 是…的成员;供职于(英文解释: If you are on a committee or council, you are a member of it. ) Claire and Beryl were on the organizing committee.克莱尔和贝丽尔是组委会成员。He was on the Council of Foreign Relations.他任职于外交关系委员...

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