陈才 - 英语教师
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He is/ was afraid of hurting her feelings.解析:be afraid of doing sth 害怕而不愿意做某事,出于一种关心对方。He is afraid of waking the sleeping baby.他怕吵醒正在睡觉的婴儿。He is/ was afraid to hurt her feelings.解析:be afraid to do sth害怕而不敢做某事,出于一种...

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You were lent…是什么用法

You were lent ten million pounds last year.=有人去年给你借了1000万英镑(1)lend sb money=lend money to sb借钱给某人/(银行给某人货款)I had to lend him ten pounds to take his children to the pictures.  我只好借给他10英镑,让他带孩子们去看电影。变被动结构:sb be lent+金钱

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there is surprising...句型

There is surprising lack of understanding of what science is.参考译文:对了解科学是什么是极度缺乏。There is surprising lack of doing sth 极度缺乏做某事

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There is a lot more to looking after yourself than (there is to省略)simply lifting weights.相当于下面句子Looking after yourself is more than simply lifting weights参考译文:比起单纯的举重训练,我们更希望能照顾好你。句子结构属于 more A than B取前舍后的用法1.这里的a lot more中的a,lot,more,than四...

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Sup team? 为什么还有问号

Your letter should first open with a casual greeting, but don’t get too relaxed. “Hi everyone!” is an appropriate one, while “Sup team?” might be disapproving. 参考译文:你的信应该先带着随意的问候开始,但不要太放松。“大家好!”是一个合适的选择,而“SupTeam?”可能是不赞成。sup team用问号,表示一种...

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in what doesn't concern you是介词短语​作宾语吗?

Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you.(what引导宾语从句)=Don't interfere in the thing that doesn't concern you.(that引导定语从句)不要干涉/干预/介入与自己无关的事情。备注(1):为融合型关系代词/复合型连接代词引导宾语从句,what=the thing that备注(2):interfere 为不及物动词,如果...

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In the bottle is no water there.正确吗

There is no water in the bottle. 瓶子里没有水。这是一个倒装的 there be 句型,正常语序是:In the bottle is no water there.请问可以这样表达吗?为什么?回答如下:(1)There be句型已经是个倒装句了,是不可以那样说(2)带地点状语以及主语超级长为了保持句子平衡可以地点状语提前变为倒装,请看下面句子An old man wi...

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If you don't know _____ English for this word, you can look it up in _______ Chiense-English dictionary.A. 不填;  the B.不填; a C. the; a D. the; the 答案为C. 第一个空 the 是什么用法?回答如下(对等词语就是,另外一种语言某个事物用英语怎么去表达),或者说,用A语言表示...

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请问:非真实条件句和虚拟语气是一回事吗?还是互有交涉?回答如下:(1)非真实条件句是虚拟语气所表现的一种句子形式:即呈现出来一种句子形态和结构.例如:If I were a bird, I would fly to America .如果我是一只鸟,我就会飞到美国去。(以上为“非真实条件句”)非真实条件句要满足以下几个条件(1)具有表示条件连词ifIf...

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The _______ (大多数) of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 本题答案是填 majority,这不是问题。我理解的问题是:句中的 TV 可以不用冠词,但radio前面也可以不用冠词吗?The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio参考译文(1):与听无线电广播相比,大多数人们似乎更喜欢看电视。参考译文(2):大多数人喜欢看...

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