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any good as的理解

Whether or not he is any good as a manager is a matter of opinion 上面的句子是下面句子的变形。第1种理解:(按照比较)Whether  he is as good a manager as any or not is a matter of opinionWhether  he is a manager as good as any or not is a matter of opinion第2种理解:按照as介词短语(as a mana...

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Just as he reached her如何理解

Just as he reached her,the horse stopped suddenly.参考译文:正好当他达到她跟前时,马突然停了下来。

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give sb sth改为被动句(双宾动词改为被动式)

请将以下句子改成被动:Dad gave me a car as my present.1. I was given a car as my present by Dad.2. A car was given to me as my present by Dad.以上两个答案都正确.

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where 能引导哪些从句

请问老师:Recent research undertaken by the Department of Mysteries reveals that magic can only be passed from person to person when Wizards reproduce. Where no proven Wizarding ancestry exists, therefore, the so-called Muggle-born is likely to have obtained magical power by theft or force.加粗句子...

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if 条件句的理解与翻译

If I can stand back up, the race goes on.参考译文:假若我能重新站起来,比赛一定会继续。 请问这句话是 if 引导的条件句吗?另外 stand back up 怎么翻译呢?解答如下这是一个由连词if引导真实条件句(即这种情况一定会发生,用陈述语气表达)(备注:主句用了一般现在时态,表示从句一定会发生属于事实,主句也是100%...

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句子翻译(涉及it, itself的指代问题等)

同意“The Exploration of Grammar”老师的解答以上为从属连词as引导的时间状语从句从句内容为:as the inexorable logic of network effects reasserted itself.随着网络效应的不可阻挡的逻辑再次显现它的作用,那些诸多Googlette或facebabies中的其中一个很可能/十有八九会最终扫清它面前的一切阻碍。主句内容为:And even...

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On her back with the hot sun on her face, she knew she could only see in her mind’s eye the smile on her teacher’s face.译文:她仰面躺着,火热的太阳照在她的脸上, 她知道自己只能想象老师的笑容。以上你说的几个状语都是修饰谓语动词could see the smile

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being这个单词本身用作动名词和现在分词,尤其是用作动名词。非常想了解being这个单词本身用作动名词和现在分词的情况,含义,用法,举例等,尤其是用作动名词。关于being这个单词本身用作动名词和现在分词,尤其是用作动名词,大部分语法书都几乎没有介绍。(1)being 为动名词用法如下作主语:Being late for school is not...

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make it a point of sth to do 句式问题

make a point of sth 是make it a point to do sth结构的一个变体The people make it a point to esteem the art of conversation in France. 在法国,人们十分重视谈话技巧.I make it a point to get up early.  我强调要早起.As you travel and try new things, make it a point to meet people.  在旅途中、在...

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难句分析:...is there none around which intelligent...

Of all the billions of stars out there,is there none around which intelligent life has arisen.参考译文:在那数十亿颗恒星之中,没有一颗出现过智慧生命。后半句为,介词around+关系代词which引导定语从句,which指代前面名词stars.

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