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如何理解省略结构 not me

I asked my friends to bring presents for horses, not me.请问这句话有错吗?回答如下:应该作以下改写I asked my friends to bring presents for horses,  not for me .参考译文:我要我朋友给马带礼物,不是给我带礼物。结构为:主语+谓语(do sth) for A , not for B即:主语是为A做某事情,不是为了B(做某事情)...

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并列句还是结果状语从句(涉及and so...)

It was not a valuable book, and so a poor man who could read very little bought it for a few coins.(and为连词,so为副词)语法结构分析:分句(1)It was not a valuable book.分句(2)and so a poor man who could read very little bought it for a few coins.备注分句2带有一个由关系代词who引导定语从句who could r...

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(5)名词复数的其它形式:在以辅音字母加o 结尾的词,在词后面加es ; Negro-Negroes黑人; hero-heroes英雄; tomato-tomatoes西红柿; potato-potatoes 土豆mango-mangoes芒果 (记忆口诀:黑人英雄喜欢吃西红柿和土豆还有芒果)Volcano-volcanoes火山;cargo-cargoes货物;echo-echoes回声;buffalo-buffaloes水牛Mosquito-mosquit...

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to be done, being done, done作定语的区别(1)to be done表示将来(将要将来某时间被做)The meeting to be held tomorrow is important. =The meeting which will be held tomorrow is important.明天要开的会很重要。There are plans to be made at once.=There are plans which will be made at once.要立即制定计划.He w...

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以上属于主语相同比较项目不同The bookcase is wider than it is tall.=The width of the bookcase is longer than its height.根据主语相同时,且从句含有(it is)等结构特点,可以省略从句主语+谓语The bookcase is wider than(it is省略) tall.The girl was as brilliant as she was beautiful.He was as patient as he...

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His work including climbing the tenth-floor building and delivering milk to people.请问专家:这个句子对吗?解答:climbing the tenth-floor building 表示“爬到第十层楼”。

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did so是什么意思

Analysts said(宾语从句 that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off )(原因状语从句as couples (定语从句who had been waiting to have a second child (谓语did so)(时间状语从句 as soon as the policy changed.))=Analysts said that the rise in births in 2016 was probably a one-off as...

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Brave and strong, the activists talked to the workers outside the factory.理解(1)修饰后面谓语动词talked to,相当于其副词放在句子作状语的语法功能。The activists talked to the workers bravely and strongly outside the factory理解(2)相当于定语从句,修饰后面句子主语the activistsThe activists,who are brav...

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Shoppers make an appointment  online before arriving at a Guideshop, where they receive one-on-one attention from a fitting guide. A. attention           B.instruction one-on-one  adj.  面对面的;一对一的;仅限两人之间的;Pyongyang had previously dema...

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