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It seemed the only thing that could move him.参考译文:这是唯一能打动/感动他的事情。请问老师,这个句子结构该怎么理解才合理?是It seemed… that… 强调句型吗?除了系动词be还有seem也可用于强调句型?是否还有其他动词也能用于此句型呢?非常感谢。句子语法结构分析如下主语:It(指代前面提到过的某件事情)系...

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It appears that Frank lost his temper有以下3种理解(1)it不是形式主语,而是指代前面替到某件事,appear为系动词,that为表语从句主语:it系动词:seems表语:that Frank lost his temper(that从句充当,即表语从句)(2)it形式主语,seem为不及物动词,that从句为主语从句形式主语:it谓语:seems真正主语:that Frank l...

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如何理解have important results在句中的意思

The loss of the Titanic in 1912 had important results. Shipbuilders were obliged to supply enough lifeboats for passengers.参考疑问:在1912年,泰坦尼克的沉没产生重大影响,迫使造船公司/造船厂备为乘客/旅客提供足够的救生艇。

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look beyond the dirt的困惑

dirt n.丑闻;丑事;流言蜚语 (英文解释:If you say that you have the dirt on someone, you mean that you have information that could harm their reputation or career.)Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her. 史蒂夫一心想要搜罗关于她的一切丑闻。Both parties use computers to dig up dirt on...

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following as far as I could the methods of...分析

"I think," said I, following as far as I could(follow省略) the methods of my companion,=I think said I , following the method of my companion as far as I could (follow)现在分词短语作方式状语。现在分词逻辑主语,就是句子主语,他们属于逻辑上主动主谓关系。备注:现在分词短语里面,还有一个比较状...

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much to成分分析

Given all these disadvantages(介词短语作原因状语)// ,central bankers(主语)//(谓语) seem to have had much to boast about of late.参考译文(1):考虑到/鉴于所有这些不利的因素/不利的情况/条件,中央银行家们最近似乎有很多值得引以为豪地方。参考译文(2):考虑到/鉴于所有这些不利的因素/不利的境地/条件...

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That hard work(主语)// has earned(谓语动词)// them(间接宾语)// a prized sliver (直接宾语)//(直接宾语后置定语)of what is becoming one of the fastest-growing markets for wine imports.句子语法结构分析如下(1)That hard work为句子主语成分(2)has earned 为句子谓语成分(3)them为句子间接宾语成分(earn...

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In the pictures following express people to idol worship. For instance, it is on a man face that Beckham's name.译文:下面的图片中表达了人们的偶像崇拜,例如,一个男人的脸上有贝克汉姆的名字。以上句子翻译是错误的。修改正确如下People's worship of their idols is embodied in the following pictures...

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能否去掉do not,在seem后加not,而句子含义不发生改变呢?

Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly.当然,现在人们对成功及其标志的兴趣与以前相比似乎丝毫未减。请问上述句子能否去掉do not,在seem后加not,而句子含义不发生改变呢?就是变成这样:Certainly people seem not less interested in success and its signs now th...

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There is Jim.是there be句型还是倒装句

回答如下:以上不是There be 存在有句型,而是一个倒装句结构:(1)倒装结构:There is Jim.(2)陈述结构:Jim is there.There be +名词+地点状语/时间状语,表示某个空间或者某个时间存在有某物例如:There are some books on the table. 桌子上有一些书.There will be a bridge here next year. 明年这里将会有一座桥

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