陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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He can be relied on to help us.章振邦《新编英语语法》写到,上句话中必须带有can 或 could, 否则不能转为被动态,这句话是什么意思?感谢老师的分析和解答。解答如下:意思如下:(1)主语+ can be relied on to do sth/to be+adj./n.(正确)The trouble is that recruiters can't be relied on to be sensible. &nbsp...

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as efficient a worker为什么不能说成an as efficient worker

George is as efficient a worker as Jack.(强调名词)=George is so efficient a worker as Jack.(强调名词)=George is a worker (who is) as efficient as Jack.(强调形容词)=George is a worker as efficient as Jack.(强调形容词)不定冠词用于固定结构quite/half/rather/many/what/such a (an)+名词或so...

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substitute sth与substitute for sth的区别

substitute 用…代替;取代;替换(1) sb substitute sthYou could always substitute a low-fat soft cheese.你总是可以代之以低脂肪的软奶酪。(2)sb substitute A for BThey were substituting violence for dialogue.他们在用暴力取代对话。(3) sb substitute for sbHe was substituting for the injured William Wales.&nbs...

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prefer to do sth与prefer doing sth的区别

(1)prefer doing 强调一般性倾向,即对某种行为的偏爱,有时候可以和prefer to do互换。The old man prefer walking那老人喜欢走路。He preferred speaking without referring to his notes.他更喜欢不看讲稿作报告。(2)prefer to do sth  强调特定的或某此具体的动作,即在一定的场合下宁愿做什么。强调暂时喜欢。有...

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the moment引导时间状语从句时前面可以加介词吗

比如下面的句子,the moment 引导时间状语从句,相当于 as soon as:The moment I have finished I’ll give you a call. 我一干完就给你打电话。The moment he spoke we recognized his voice. 他一说话,我们认出了他的声音。The moment I saw him I knew that there was no hope. 我一看到他,就知道没有希望了。请问这样...

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请问 strongly 和 enough 修饰动词有什么区别?(1)enough用作副词时,意思是“足够,充分”,一般应放在所修饰的形容词、副词或动词的后面,修饰动词表示达到某种预期/必要/需要某种的程度John's old enough to take care of himself.约翰长大了,能照顾自己了。He is brave enough to face dangers.他很勇敢,足以面对各种危...

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请问:这三个句子分别属于一般现在时的哪个用法呢?I am Rose.(描述主语名字/身份)I come from China.(描述主语目前/当前国籍)My school is next to my house.(描述主语现在/当前的地点)

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travel steerage如何分析

steerage  n.  驾驶,操舵; 舵效; 统舱The ship went with easy steerage.  这条船容易操舵.Passengers traveling in the steerage paid the lowest fares.  坐下等客舱的旅客付最低的票价.But He , that hath the steerage of my course, direct my sail!  可是让支配我的前途的上帝指导我的行动...

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下面两个句子翻译对吗?1. 我哥哥比他仅仅大一岁。答案翻译成:My brother is only one year older than him.(正确)如果我翻译成下面的样子对吗?My brother is older one year than him.(错误)2. 你能和刘翔跑得一样快吗?Can you run as fast as Liuxiang does.备注:as引导比较状语从句,并在比较状语从句作方式状语,...

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