陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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give you five minutes to learn

I give you five minutes to learn我给你5分钟时间学习。to learn动词不定式作后置定语修饰前面的“时间名词five minutes”属于动状关系,即前面的时间名词作不定式时间状语。相当于learn for five minutes

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his a few和what any his为什么不对

同意曾老师解答观点。但是单词抄写错了。Daniel gets meat and eggs from his chickens.He sells a few of his eggs to his neighbors A. his a few B.some these C.what any his D.a few of his备注:网友把单词抄写错误,正确应该是“meat”

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What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.参考译文:直到45亿到38亿年前,当尘埃落进一个坚固的球体时,它将会变成什么样子还是未知/不确定。A:主句内容:What it was to become was uncertainB:时间状语从句:until between 4.5 and 3...

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为啥要使用倒装句(Here comes the bus.)

Here comes the bus.这是一个完全倒装句。还原成正常的语序是:The bus comes here.有两个问题:1. 正常语序表达可以吗?2. 倒装的作用是为了强调什么吗?还是其他作用?汉语中很少用到倒装句,怎样比较学习?我想要知其然,并且知其所以然,谢谢!回答如下:【一】首先根据倒装形式和结构来分,可以分为以下2种...

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抽象名词前加the问题,特指加,帮忙分析一下这两个句子,好像反了:The body and the mind interrelate.She has closed her mind to last year's traumas.回答如下:(1)抽象名词表示特指,对称或者种类和类别也是可以加冠词的The body and the mind inte...

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英语里the amount/bottle of的用法

(1)the amount of water 蓄水量;含水量;产水量The amount of water collectedin such structure.蓄水量在此种容器中的水的收集量。You might say melting ice will add to the amount of water.你可能会说消融的冰会增加水源的数量。The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.适...

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They look very well together如何理解

以上句子应该要改为look very good主语为事物,不具有动作执行能力,因此不能看作为行为/实意动词来使用,只能看作为“系动词”使用。因此后面需要接形容词作表语。look作为动词有以下2个用法(1)作不及物动词+adv.He looked aimlessly before him.   他漫无目的地望着前方。Just look straight...

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请问cleaning them up在这里是伴随状语吗?

The IT staff were amongst the fittest departments in your company, running from Personal Computer (PC) to the next cleaning them up.翻译:公司各部门中身体最好的当属IT员工,因为他们奔走于各台计算机之间,清理病毒。请问cleaning them up在这里是带有目的性的伴随状语吗?是修饰running的吗?解答:running fro...

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go away与come away的用法疑问

come away 离开,离开时留下(印象/感觉)come away doing sth 离开时留下具有做某事的感觉(后面现在分词可以看作为方式状语)Your children may well come away speaking with a bit of a broad country accent" — "Right." —"because they're mixing with country children."  “你的孩...

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(1)To smoke so much is not very good for you.请问,To smoke是主语,还是To smoke so much是主语?该句的句子成分该怎么划分?句子语法结构分析如下:主语:To smoke so much(抽太多的香烟)(动词不定式短语作句子主语)系动词:isn't(不是)表语:very good for you(对你有很大好处)特别备注:动词不定式属于动词...

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