陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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分析:They don’t have emotions so much as needs.

not A so much B “与其说是A 倒不如说是B”【否定A肯定B】I don't really think of her as a daughter so much as a very good friend. 与其说我把她当作女儿,不如说把她当作好朋友。She told me she was not leaving her job so much as it was leaving her.  她告诉我,与其说是她辞了工作,不如说是工作辞了她。They don...

回答于 2023-01-29 11:27

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in front of church与 in the front of church

in front of church与 in the front of church【1】in front of the church 表示在教堂的外部前面。备注:定冠词the+单数可数名词(church) 表示“特指”含义,所以定冠词the不能省略。【2】in the front of the church 表示在教堂的内部前面。备注:定冠词the+单数可数名词(church) 表示“特指”含义,所以定冠词the不能省略。

回答于 2023-01-26 23:00

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【1】There are many  teacher’s (teacher) desks in the building .【错误】【2】There are many teachers’ (teacher) desks in the building .【正确】网友质疑有道理。应该使用名词复数形式所有格。因为大楼里的老师不止一位,而且老师的讲桌不止一张。所以使用复数所有格teachers’【1】teacher’s desk【1位老师有1张讲...

回答于 2023-01-26 12:04

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【1】What is the population of China ?【正确】备注:以上介词of 表示所属关系,如果要用in China可以改为下面句子结构。【2】What is the number of the people in China?【正确】【3】How many people are there  in China?【正确】备注:以上3种句子结构可以进行同义句转换,虽结构不同但意思是相同的。

回答于 2023-01-20 12:16

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 It seems like only yesterday since I first started school in the Czech Republic.参考译文:自从我刚开始在捷克共和国上学以来,这一切好像/彷佛就在昨天。 It seems like only yesterday since I first started school in the Czech Republic.主句:It seems like only yesterday.从句:since I first started school i...

回答于 2023-01-19 11:04

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that 从句

Robots【主语】//  are being developed【谓语动词】// that can carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than human doctors【定语从句】// .以下是that定语从句结构语法结构分析that【主语】//  can carry out【谓语动词】// surgical procedures【宾语】// with greater precision【方式状语】// than hu...

回答于 2023-01-19 10:57

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you are never too far gone.怎么理解?

You are never too far gone.你永远不会走得太远。备注:too far(太远)修饰gone(走/离开).never(永远不)修饰too far

回答于 2023-01-19 10:51

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句子分析in such a way在句中做什么成分?

The actual inventor【主语】//  is 【系动词】// almost invariably【状语】//  the man 【表语】// who succeeds in combining and perfecting previous discoveries in such a way as to make them convenient and profitable【定语从句】// . 以下是由关系代词who引导的限制性定语从句的语法结构分析供网友参考who 【主...

回答于 2023-01-19 10:33

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During the past summer season【时间状语】//,photos of snow leopards【主语】//  were taken【谓语动词】 by five different special cameras【状语】//, in Pingwu,Sichuan province【地点状语】//。surprising many wildlife scientists【结果状语】//。备注:surprising many wildlife scientists为现在分词短语作结...

回答于 2023-01-19 10:25