陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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【1】The psychologist【主语】//  is using【谓语动词】// colored cubes【宾语】// to test the girl【目的状语】// .=To test the girl【目的状语】// ,the psychologist【主语】//  is using【谓语动词】// colored cubes【宾语】// 备注:为了突出强调目的状语,可以把作目的状语的动词不定式(to test the girl)放在句...

回答于 2023-03-17 09:57

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help with 后面跟动名词的用法

Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working.当父母们在工作的时候,学校需要照顾孩子们。【1】如果“help”为情态动词用法,后面“help”为动词用法。Schools【主语】// need help【谓语动词】// with taking care of children 【方面状语】//while parents are working【时间状语】.备注:情...

回答于 2023-03-16 10:36

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it 用作形式主(宾)语时,可代替名词短语吗?

【1】It worries me the way (that/in which省略) he keeps changing his mind.【2】That the way (that/in which省略)  he keeps changing his mind worries me.备注:如果改为what必须使用以下两种句子结构。【1】What worries me is the way (that/in which省略)  he keeps changing his mind.【2】The way(that/in whic...

回答于 2023-03-09 11:54

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could have done表示推测还是理论上的可能

So the next morning, the conversation over, one looked it up. The phrase came into use some time in the 16th century. "Queen's English" is found in Nashe's "Strange News of the Intercepting of Certain Letters" in 1593, and in 1602, Dekker wrote of someone, "thou clipst the Kinge's English." Is the p...

回答于 2023-03-09 09:28

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【动名词】关于 profuse sweating / bleeding / vomiting 的疑问

【1】sweat,bleed,vomit 为“谓语动词”中的“动词原形”【2】sweating, bleeding,vomiting 为“非谓语动词”中“动名词”或者“现在分词”以上2种“动词”的“相同点”和“不同点”如下相同点:都是动词,如果是及物动词都可以接“宾语”或者被状语修饰。不同点:第1种只能“当作谓语动词”使用。即只能作句子谓语成分。只能用描述/陈述主语后...

回答于 2023-03-09 08:59

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No element of a theatrical text can be regarded as redundant【1】戏剧文本中的任何要素都不能被看作是多余的 。【2】戏剧文本中的任何要素都被看作是必不可少的 。【3】戏剧文本中的没有要素可以被看作是多余的 。No element of a theatrical text【主语】// can be regarded 【谓语】//as redundant【补足语】

回答于 2023-03-08 13:40

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day and nignt时态问题

【1】一般现在时态“works”表示现在“长期存在的状态”Tom works in a shoe factory.汤姆在一家鞋长工作。【2】现在进行时态“is working”表示目前眼下“阶段存在的状态”也就是“阶段进行”Tom is working on a new novel these days.汤姆这些天在写一部新小说。综合上述,网友提供句子属于第2种用法,阶段进行,所以只能填 is wor...

回答于 2023-03-08 13:29

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being done现在分词的被动语态 作状语 与句子主语之间是主动还是...

Being done如果当作“被动现在分词”结构作“状语的”用法时,主要表示“分词动作所发生时间”与“句子谓语动词动作”所发生时间“同时”即时间上“重合”,作状语的“被动结构现在分词”可以改为与之“对应的状语从句”【1】Being protected by many guards, he felt safe.【现在分词作原因状语】由于被很多警卫所保护,他感觉很安全。【2...

回答于 2023-03-08 13:11

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定语是“名词”或者“代词”修饰语或者限定语。属于词组层次/短语层次上的成分。修饰语/限定语与被修饰的“名词”或者“代词”构成一个“整体结构”然后在句子中充当“主语”,“宾语”,“表语”,“补语”和“同位语”。【1】We【主语】// found 【谓语动词】// everything in the laboratory【宾语】// in good order【宾补】.【2】We【主语...

回答于 2023-03-03 10:46

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For others, it was an experience of drudgery. Making three meals a day, especially if your diners included small children, was tedium defined—an endless loop of eggs and beans and eggs and toast and beans and toast and eggs.参考译文:对于另一些人而言,这段经历则是单调乏味的。每天准备三餐,特别是如果...

回答于 2023-03-01 11:04