陈才 - 英语教师
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The length of time people spent in industrialized countries was more 6 years than that(people spent 省略) in developing countries.备注:that指代前面的the length of time.

回答于 2023-04-30 08:02

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什么是整体包含部分,什么是部分包含整体整体包含部分:comprise\consist of\be composed of \be made up of部分包含整体:constitute\make up\account for\occupy\form【1】整体包含部分: 表示整体是由“若干部分组成的”即主语(内容)是由后面宾语(内容)组成的。This table should be composed of three parts.  这张表中应当...

回答于 2023-04-30 07:40

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这里的not only和but also是修饰动词嘛

Students should not only learn knowledge but also【they should learn 省略】some life skills. 参考译文:学生们不仅要学习知识而且他们也要学习一些生活技能。备注:当后面出现与前面相同的内容时,通常省略与前面相通的所有内容。只保留不同的部分。

回答于 2023-04-28 20:50

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decay 与rot用法和意思上的区别

【1】decay  通常指由良好或完美的状态自然而缓慢地变坏或完全变坏腐烂,或部分地毁坏,也可以指社会、制度、机构的衰败/衰退/衰落。The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.埋在灰烬里的尸体慢慢地腐烂了。The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.  地上满是腐败的落叶。Popular cinema seems to have...

回答于 2023-04-28 20:42

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【1】He made some plans to protect the animals.【后置定语】参考译文:他制定了一些保护这些动物的计划。【2】He made some plans to protect the animals.【目的状语】参考译文:为了保护这些动物,他制定了一些计划。

回答于 2023-04-28 20:35

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【1】He was the diligent person who passed the exam.他就是通过考试了的那个很勤奋的人。备注:person有2个限制性定语,前置定语diligent, 后置定语who passed the exam.【2】He was the diligent person ,who passed the exam.他就是那个很勤奋的人,这个人通过了考试。备注:who passed the exam是额外的对person作补充...

回答于 2023-04-27 16:07

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翻译:She won praise from the man she tried to beat in the pr...

She won praise from the man she tried to beat in the presidential election.参考译文:她赢得了她试图在总统选举中击败那个男人/男子的赞扬/称赞/赞美。She 【主语】// won 【谓语动词】// praise 【宾语】// from the man 【后置定语】 (that/who省略)she tried to beat in the presidential election 【修饰man的定语...

回答于 2023-04-27 15:51

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I spent four weeks fruit picking.我花费4天时间摘水果。备注:以上句子使用了“主语+spend+时间段+(介词in 可省略)+doing sth” 主语花费时间做某事I spend too much time watching television.我看电视花的时间太多。Businessmen spend enormous amounts advertising their products.  商人们花费巨额资金为自己的商品做广...

回答于 2023-04-27 10:01

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As it happens everywhere else in the world,hotels in Zante have balconies.参考译文:就像世界上任何其他地方一样,桑特岛的酒店都有阳台。备注:as引导方式状语,it指代前面提到某种情况。

回答于 2023-04-27 09:53

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He you more help, even though he was very busy.选择题疑问

He  might have given you more help, even though he was very busy.参考译文:尽管/即是他很忙,但还是有可能给予你更多帮助的。A. might have given      B. will have given      C. should have given      D. may give解答:以上只能选A答案,might have done sth 表示对“过去事件可能性较低推测”意思“可能做了某事” 【1...

回答于 2023-04-27 09:30