陈才 - 英语教师
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【1】I know the girl whose hair is black and long.【whose引导定语从句】参考译文:我认识头发又黑又长的那个女孩。备注:关系代词whose引导定语从句作前置定语,修饰hair。【2】I know who you get the ticket from.【who引导宾语从句】参考译文:我知道你从谁那里获得这张票。备注:who为疑问代词/连接代词引导宾语从句...

回答于 2023-06-13 12:36

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an average前面为啥不用任何介词

网友给出英语句子不完整,完整的英语句子应该下面的英语句子。【1】You should have your meal an average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours before exercising.参考译文(1):你应该在锻炼平均1.2小时到2.5小时之前用餐。备注:an average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours 为名词短语修饰介词短语before exercising.【2】You should exercise an ave...

回答于 2023-06-09 21:48

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如何分析: if a mensured atomic mass put an element ....

If a measured atomic mass put an element in the wrong place in the table, the atomic mass was wrong.参考译文:如果一个已测量的原子质量使元素在元素周期表中处于错误的位置,那么这个原子的质量是错误的。备注(1):第1次提到某物用不定冠词a/an表示泛指, 即a measured atomic mass,再次提到某物用定冠词the表示特指...

回答于 2023-06-02 14:07

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This dazzling carpet, really a reflector, drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity, which accounted for the vibration which passed through every atom of liquid.参考译文:这块令人耀眼的地毯,实际上是一个反射器,强有力使太阳光散发开来,光线所经之处的每个水分子都因此而振动。以上句子语法...

回答于 2023-05-25 10:22

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怎样判断 if 表示“如果”还是“是否”

【1】if引导“条件状语从句”意思“如果;假若;倘若”You can stay for the weekend if you like.你如果愿意就留在这里过周末吧。If anyone calls, tell them I'm not at home.要是有人打电话来,就说我不在家If you see him, give him this note.你要是见到他,就把这个便条给他。I'll only stay if you offer me more money....

回答于 2023-05-23 23:18

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【1】He's really an interesting boy.【让/使/令别人感兴趣/产生兴趣的男孩】参考译文:他的确是一个使别人感兴趣/产生兴趣的男孩。【即:别人想了解这个男孩/想关注这个男孩。】【2】He's really an interested boy. 【对某事感兴趣/着迷/关心的男孩】参考译文:他的确是一个对某事感兴趣的男孩。【即:这个男孩想了解某事/...

回答于 2023-05-23 10:34

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require doing中的doing可以表主动意义吗(质疑2022北京卷的一个...

Systems thinking is crucial to achieving targets such as zero hunger and better nutrition because it requires considering the way in which food is produced, processed, delivered and consumed, and looking at how those things intersect with human health, the environment, economics and society.参考译文...

回答于 2023-05-12 21:46

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为什么a picture of Mr. Li就一定是李先生的照片

【1】This is a picture of Mr. Li’s.【表示李先生所收藏/所拍摄的照片中的其中1张照片】备注:This is a picture of Mr. Li’s=This is one of Mr. Li’s pictures.类似于以上英语句子This is a friend of Tom's.=This is one of Tom's friends.备注:Tom's 和Mr.Li's都是具有名词性物主代词语法功能,Tom's=Tom's friends,Mr...

回答于 2023-05-12 13:31

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【1】People learning a new language may face some difficulties.【现在分词短语作定语】备注(1):以上加蓝色颜色为现在分词作后置定语修饰前面名词people 。备注(2):learning a new language为动态动词现在分词短语作定语,所以可以改为以下第2句的“进行体”的定语从句作定语。即现在进行时态的定语从句作定语。以上第1个...

回答于 2023-05-12 10:36

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the effect which occurs immediately after you take the medicine.参考译文:服药之后立即产生的效应。备注(1):副词immediately是修饰定语从句谓语动词occurs(发生/产生)。备注(2):时间状语从句after you take the medicine也是修饰定语从句谓语动词occurs(发生/产生)。网友搞清楚以上两点就OK了,其它不用太纠结。

回答于 2023-05-10 21:26