陈才 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖北 - 荆州 注册于 2015-09-28



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It is also an excellent example of one's perceptions begins primed through experience.解答:网友质疑有道理,应该把动词三单“begins”改为动名词“beginning”变成“动名词复合结构”,而且介词of后面不能接that宾语从句。在没有连词的情况下一个分句不可以出现2个谓语动词。如果出现2个动词,必须是1个为谓语动词(限定性动...

回答于 2023-11-24 17:15

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give me it 还是 give it me

在正式文体或者英语应试教育中提问网友只需要搞清楚以下两点就OK 了【一】当直接宾语为名词时,可以使用双宾结构,也可以使用单宾结构【1】及物动词(give/buy)+间接宾语+直接宾语【双宾语结构】Tom gave me an apple yesterday.【正确】Tom’s father bought him a bike yesterday.【正确】【2】及物动词(give/buy)+直接宾语...

回答于 2023-11-24 09:57

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with【介词】//  lots of things【宾语】//  they're in the middle of doing【定语从句】// .备注(1):以上为介词短语作非限制性定语修饰前面代词they,不是with的复合结构。即with +名词+宾补结构备注(2):in the middle of doing sth忙于做某事相当于be busy doing sth忙于做某事备注(3):with+宾语(lots of things)+后置定...

回答于 2023-11-23 17:44

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When(you are) quoting a source, if you mention the author’s name in the introductory sentence, APA style says to follow that with the publication date in parenthesis.【观点(1)】:这是带有连词when的垂悬分词结构作时间状语,因为分词逻辑主语不是句子主语APA style.【观点(2)】:现在分词逻辑主语表示泛指意义时...

回答于 2023-11-23 14:21

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When people say that crime is the elephant in the room, they mean that everyone realizes that crime issues exist, but nobody wants to discuss them.解答:与but nobody wants to discuss them并列的是mean that的宾语从句内容。并列分句(1):everyone realizes that crime issues exist(每个人都意识到犯罪问题的存...

回答于 2023-11-22 22:54

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That that is is not that that is not, and that that is not is not that that is.备注(1):红色字体为(2个主语从句)和(2个表语从句)的“主语+谓语动词”内容。备注(2):第1个蓝色字体that为主语从句连接词(即引导主语从句),第2个蓝色字体that为表语从句连接词(引导表语从句),第3个蓝色字体that为主语从句连接词(引导主语从句...

回答于 2023-11-22 18:53

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The worst misfortune you can suffer is one(worst misfortune省略) that you caused yourself, especially when it hurts those close to you.【观点(1)】cause yourself sth【双宾语结构:cause sb sth】One worst misfortune that you cause yourself备注:关系代词that在定语从句作谓语动词caused直接宾语【观点(2)】cau...

回答于 2023-11-22 17:46

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He raised himself on his elbows中on his elbows的理解

He【主语】// raised 【谓语动词】// himself【宾语】//  on his elbows【方式状语】// .解答:你的理解是正确的,on his elbows为介词短语作方式状语

回答于 2023-11-22 12:30

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Plots【主语】// allow【谓语动词】// audiences【宾语】// to immerse themselves in a world of intrigue and suspense【宾补】// , temporarily disconnecting from their own reality. disconnecting【非限制性定语】// 备注: temporarily disconnecting from their own reality. 为现在分词作非限制性定语修饰audience...

回答于 2023-11-22 09:28

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The rain having stopped, the soldier continued their march.A stopping      B stopped     C having stopped     D being stopped解答:C为正确答案,属于“名词+现在分词完成体”构成的独立主格结构作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句after the rain had stopped, the solider continued their match.备注:不能选择B答案,...

回答于 2023-11-22 09:07