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分析:Leave it with me.

网友的理解是正确的Leave【谓语动词】// it 【宾语】//with me【对象状语】//.备注(1):以上句子是以动词原形leave开头祈使句备注(2):it为代词作动词宾语备注(3):with me为介词短语作对象状语Leave it with me ─I'm sure I can sort it out.把这事留给我吧——我一定会解决的。

回答于 2023-12-11 00:40

5 赞同

介词 like 的用法疑问

网友提供英语句子语法结构分析如下供网友参考【1】It【形式主语】//  is 【系动词】// like her 【表语】// to tell everyone about it【真正主语】// .参考译文:把这件事告诉所有人像她的性格。备注(1):It为形式主语备注(2):is为系动词备注(3):like her为介词短语作表语备注(4):to tell everyone about it为不定式短语作真...

回答于 2023-12-10 10:43

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I got tired of hearing my father complain about my job.网友提供句子可以有以下2种分析观点【观点1】I【主语】// got【系动词】//tired of hearing my father complain about my job【表语】.备注(1):tired of 可以理解形容词短语作表语。后面动名词短语hearing....my job作介词of的宾语。备注(2):got为变化系动词用法,...

回答于 2023-12-10 10:02

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改错:Those special offers are intended to attract people to...

Those special offers are intended to attract people to buy more.可以改为下面句子:Those special offers are intended to tempt people to buy more.Those special offers are intended to entice people to buy more.Those special offers are intended to induce people to buy more.备注:attract不接不定式复合宾语...

回答于 2023-12-09 10:16

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网友提供英语句子属于错综时间虚拟条件句【1】If I were you, I would have done something.备注(1):从句为“现在”假设,主句为“过去”假设。备注(2): 即如果我是你,我当时(过去时间)就/将会做一些事情,但实际上没有。【2】If she could sew, she would have made a shirt.备注(1): 从句为“现在”假设,主句为“过去”假设。备注(...

回答于 2023-12-08 18:37

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come to sth的理解

I've got used to the idea and(I省略) have come to the point of acceptance gradually.参考译文:我已经习惯了这个想法,并已逐渐到了接受的地步。备注:come to the point of sth 逐渐达到某事的程度/地步It may also come to the point of virtual dormancy.  它也可以达到实际上的潜伏程度。

回答于 2023-12-07 23:24

4 赞同


opportunity for doing与opportunity of doing区别如下供网友参考【1】opportunity for doing sth 介词for表示“目的”即“用来做某事机会/时机”The best reason for a trip to London is the super opportunity for shopping.绝佳的购物机会是前往伦敦的最好理由。【2】opportunity of doing sth介词of 表示“所属”即“做某事的...

回答于 2023-12-07 11:38

2 赞同

名词词组(Germany's one millionth tree)的结构和翻译

Germany’s one millionth tree was planted long ago.=Germany’s millionth tree was planted long ago.德国的第100万棵树在很久以前就被种下去了。备注(1):Germany’s one millionth相当于Germany’s millionth tree备注(2):形容词词性物主代词和序数词都是“后位限定词”可以共存,顺序为:物主代词+序数词【例如:his fifth...

回答于 2023-12-07 10:04

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warning, expecting, recommending 比较

解答:之所以用“警告”是因为要“避免可能出现/可能发生的危险”。如果“动作的发生可能出现危险情况或者不愉快事情发生”必须要使用“警告”这个动词的语义进行提醒以避免可能发生的危险状况。Meanwhile, Ann went to the dollar store and bought some pet supplies, warning her two sons not to fall in love with the dog.参...

回答于 2023-12-07 00:39

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分析: to not overthink and just keep on creating

“I actually find this quite satisfying, to not overthink and just keep on creating, and then go around sharing dance with everyone," he says.备注(1):to not overthink(不常用)..相当于not to overthink(常用)...为不定式短语作前面指示代词this 的同位语。即this=not to overthink and just keep ...and then ......

回答于 2023-12-07 00:24