陈才 - 英语教师
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Using these instruments【方式状语(2)】, with which【方式状语(1)】// magnifications 【主语(1)】//of from 40 to 300 diameters【后置定语(1)】// were obtained【谓语动词(1)】//, he 【主语(2)】//observed 【谓语动词(2)】//minute bodies【宾语((2)】//.备注(1) :Using these instruments为现在分词短语作方式状语...

回答于 2023-12-27 14:45

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【1】Idealists have objected to the package tour, that the traveller abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited.参考译文:理想主义者反对跟团旅行/包价旅游,认为这样跟团出国旅游者就失去了了解所到国家人民的机会。解答:以上that引导非限制性同位语从句...

回答于 2023-12-27 14:08

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【1】The train might be late, as happened yesterday.【非限制性定语】备注:以上as happened yesterday为关系代词as引导非限制性定语。关系代词as指代前面整句话内容,并在定语从句作主语。意思“正如”【2】The train might be late, as it happened yesterday.【方式状语】备注:以上as it happened yesterday为从属连词as...

回答于 2023-12-27 09:08

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【1】I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.【方式状语】备注:以上为现在分词短语作方式状语。【2】I crept up the stairs, by trying not to wake my parents.【方式状语】备注:以上为介词短语作方式状语。

回答于 2023-12-27 08:59

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分析:The pool is nearly as wide as it is long.

各位老师解答得都非常精彩。非常详细清楚,看了之后受益匪浅。我把我的学习心得也分享一下供网友参考。【一】不同的2个人/事物在同一方面进行比较。比较的内容为“主句和从句”性质/特点/特征(即主句表语为比较项)Tom is as tall as Mike(is省略)备注(1): Tom为比较对象A,Mike为比较对象B,而且A和B为2个不同比较对象。备注(2...

回答于 2023-12-26 11:17

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He【主语】// is 【系动词】//as【程度状语】 tall【表语】// as I am【比较状语从句】//.【1】主句:He is as tall.【as为程度副词】【2】从句: as I am.【as为比较代词】备注(1):第1个as为程度副词作状语,修饰后面形容词tall.。备注(2):第2个as为比较代词引导比较状语从句,并在比较状语从句作表语。备注(3):比较项是主句...

回答于 2023-12-23 13:20

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What the most important(主语) is(系动词) how to catch these chances(表语).解答:网友以上主语从句是写否漏掉了一个系动词is. 应该是下面句子What is the most important【主语从句】// is【系动词】// how to catch these chances【表语】=The thing that is the most important is how to catch these chances....

回答于 2023-12-23 13:10

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判断正误:She was at 18.(他18岁)

she is still as beautiful as she was at 18.参考译文:她现在仍然和她18岁时一样漂亮。 【1】主句:She is still as beautiful.【as为程度副词】【2】从句: as she was at 18.【as为比较代词】备注(1):第1个as为程度副词作状语,修饰后面形容词beautiful.。备注(2):第2个as为比较代词引导比较状语从句,并在比较状语从句作...

回答于 2023-12-22 00:14

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waiting list 如何翻译

He【主语】// is【系动词】// on the waiting list【表语】 for medical treatment【后置定语】. 他在接受治疗的等候名单中。解答:网友的问题核心点涉及到“动名词作定语”用法。动名词作定语用来表示“后面名词”的“种类/类别/用途/功能”【A】waiting room候车室/等候室【B】waiting list 等候者名单/候诊者名单【C】shopping...

回答于 2023-12-21 23:55

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"Being a ranger is physically strong, ” with a typical day(when we are 省略)  patrolling protected areas,(when we are 省略)  monitoring for illegal activities, tracking and poachers, keeping track of available water in water bodies, fire management, (when we are省略) looking for animals in distress...

回答于 2023-12-21 19:06