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18小时前 回答问题

The virus is made up of 30,000 letters of genetic code that carry the information it needs to spread with ease.这种病毒是由三万个遗传密码字母组成,这些遗传密码字母携带着它需要很容易传播的信息。句子主句:The virus is made up of 30,000 letters of genetic code 定语从句(1):that carry the information (that/which) it needs to spread with ease.备注:定语从句(1)修饰前面名词“genetic code(遗传密码)”定语从句(2): (that/which) it needs to spread with ease.备注:定语从句(2)修饰前面名词“the information(数据信息)”,关系代词that/which指代前面名词“information(数据信息)”观点(1) 如果关系代词which/that在定语从句中作谓语动词need宾语,那么不定式to spead with ease在定语从句作目的状语。还原后结构:It needs the information to spread with ease.观点(2) 如果关系代词which/that在定语从句中作不定式to spread 宾语,那么不定式to spead with ease在定语从句作谓语动词need宾语。还原后结构:It needs to spread the information with ease.【1】The virus is made up of 30,000 letters of genetic code 【被动结构】【2】30,000 letters of genetic code makes up the virus.【主动结构】This book is made up of 28 chapters.【被动结构】这本书是由28个章节构成。28 chapters makes up the book.【主动结构】28个章节构成了这本书。 

3天前 回答问题

赞同邹德浩老师解答观点,我补充一点供网友参考in power/in one's power/within one's power主要有以下2种用法【1】当权/执政 (power英文解释political control of a country or an area 统治;政权)The present regime has been in power for two years.现政权已经执政两年了。The men in power have all the nasty impulses.  当权诸公也有种种见不得人的想法.【2】控制力 (power英文解释the ability to control people or things 控制力;影响力;操纵力)Although it is not in his power to do so, he said he would rebuild the Air Base.虽然这超出了他的能力范围,他还是说他会重建空军基地。Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it.你的债务情况只是暂时的,你有能力解决好。

4天前 回答问题

I【主语】// forced【谓语动词】// myself【宾语】// to eat too much【宾语补足语】.【1】I forced myself to eat too much.【代词用法】备注(1):eat为及物动词用法,意思“吃”。备注(2):much为代词用法。too much语义相当于too much+不可数名词。备注(3):too much作不定式to eat宾语。【2】I forced myself to eat too much.【副词用法】备注(1):eat为不及物动词用法,意思“吃饭/吃东西”。备注(2):much为副词用法。表示程度,too much作程度状语。备注(3):too much作不定式to eat程度状语。

5天前 回答问题

【1】动态动词的3有特征:有开始----有持续----有结束。备注:动态动词可以用于进行体表示“事件意义”可以用于带有频度状语的一般体表示“习惯意义”。也可以与方式状语一起使用。Tom is eating an apple.【事件意义】Tom eats an apple every day.【习惯意义】Tom often sits quietly at the corner.【习惯意义】【2】静态动词的3有特征:无开始----无持续----无结束。备注:静态动词表示长期存在状态,不可以用于进行体表示“事件意义”,也不可以与方式状语一起使用。Tom likes listening to music.【长期存在状态】Tom is short and thin.【长期存在状态】

5天前 回答问题

part4 adjective    I gave them £10 in part payment.

2024-09-10 09:54 回答问题

come into view看得见; 呈现眼前The lake soon came into view .那湖很快映入眼帘。A group of riders came into view on the dirt road.一群骑车的人出现在那条土路上。At road intersections【 地点状语】//, high-rise buildings and fashionable billboards 【主语】//come 【系动词】//clearer【表语】// into view【状语】//.

2024-09-09 10:12 回答问题

【4】Having turned off the lights in the office, I locked the door and left.

2024-09-05 10:07 回答问题

【一】There being a swimming pool in our school is what we expect.【动名词复合结构作主语】【备注(1):There being a swimming pool in our school为动名词复合结构整体作句子主语】【备注(2):there 为being形式逻辑主语,a swimming pool为being真正逻辑主语】There being a swimming pool in our school 【主语】// is 【系动词】// what we expect 【表语】//.参考译文:学校拥有一个游泳池事我们说期望的事情。【二】What we expect is for there to be a swimming pool in our school.【不定式复合结构作表语】【备注(1):for there to be a swimming pool in our school 为不定式复合结构整体作句子表语】【备注(2):there 为to be形式逻辑主语,a swimming pool为being真正逻辑主语】What we expect【主语】//  is【系动词】//  for there to be a swimming pool in our school【表语】// .参考译文:我们说期望的事情是学校拥有一个游泳池。【三】For there to be a swimming pool in our school is what we expect.【不定式复合结构作主语】【备注(1):for there to be a swimming pool in our school为不定式复合结构整体作句子主语】【备注(2):there 为to be形式逻辑主语,a swimming pool为being真正逻辑主语】For there to be a swimming pool in our school 【主语】// is 【系动词】// what we expect 【表语】//.参考译文:学校拥有一个游泳池是我们说期望的事情。【四】What we expect is there being a swimming pool in our school.【动名词复合结构作表语】【备注(1): there being a swimming pool in our school 为动名词复合结构整体作句子表语】【备注(2):there 为being形式逻辑主语,a swimming pool为being真正逻辑主语】What we expect【主语】//  is【系动词】//  for there being a swimming pool in our school【表语】// .参考译文:我们说期望的事情是学校拥有一个游泳池。

2024-09-04 09:55 回答问题


2024-09-04 09:45 回答问题

网友问题属于“定冠词” 和“零冠词”区别用法【1】定冠词+复数名词表示“特指含义”students' books 学生们的书【2】零冠词+复数名词表示“泛指含义”the students'books 这些学生们的书。【1】ten students' books 学生们的书 【泛指含义】备注:只知道是10名学生的书,但不知道具体是哪10位学生的书。【2】the ten students'books 这些学生们的书。【特指含义】备注:不仅知道是10名学生的书,而且还知道具体是哪10位学生的书。